I Love My Job
Friday night was the opening reception for Mission Open Studios at Art Explosion, where I keep my studio. The last couple of weeks have been a frenzy of preparation, and the last couple of days especially so. I have a new large-format photoprint called Immortality and a new series of photographs from a shoot on Mount Davidson at night. The Mount Davidson photographs came back from Photoworks about an hour before the reception opened and last night the wire that Immortality was hanging by snapped. So in between restringing the frame with new wire, getting the last of the mats cut and hanging my work around the studio, it’s been a fast-paced day.
Mission Arts Foundation has done a great job of getting the word out. Several of the studios in the Mission have done Open Studios in the Spring in addition to City-wide Open Studios in the Fall, but this is the first year that it’s been coordinated between the studios here. The house was packed last night; it was certainly busier than the Friday night of October’s Open Studios. I can’t wait to see what Saturday brings. If nothing else it will be great to be able to talk to people about the work without being distracted by getting the work on the walls.
I sold a Mount Davidson photo, not one of the cross but from that same shoot. A fellow from Vikki’s church seems very interested in some of the cross photos, and also suggested that the church might want them.
I was on the cleanup committee for Friday; I figured I’d be better off getting my shift out of the way earlier. The first thing we did after chasing everyone out of the building was throw away all the food that had been opened. There wasn’t a lot of food actually left over, but there were three bottles of apple or grape juice on the table, each more than two-thirds full. I must have looked surprised when I was told to toss them, because the coordinator added, «or take it home, but we can’t keep the opened bottles here».
So my gross take for the night was forty dollars and three bottles of juice. All right, I’m not quite ready to retire yet! I’m really not there to make money right now, but I am there to learn how to do this so that I can make money from it. Yeah, this is my job, and it’s a blast.
Which reminds me, I never did write about the Mount Davidson photoshoot. It was another «I Love My Job» story but I’ll have to write about it some other time. Right now it’s 3am and I have to be back at my job, which I love, in a few hours.
By the way, this weekend I have a freebie giveaway. I had small prints made of a photo I took of the Mount Davidson Cross (photo can be seen accompanying the post In Remembrance) and I’m signing them, dating them, numbering them and giving them to anyone who comes to visit the studio. It’s fun giving stuff away, and hopefully it reminds people of me afterward.