Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires in Your House
Woke up this morning to the sound of my upstairs neighbor hollering and banging on the door. When I wandered out to see what was going on, it turns out he wasn’t banging on my door, but the back door of the next-door neighbor. Smoke was pouring out of the second-floor window and he was shouting to wake the neighbors.
I dialed 911
just to be safe, but a ladder engine pulled up out front before an operator came on the line. I held and explained that emergency vehicles had already arrived (everyone knows not to hang up on 911, right? If they haven’t answered they’ll identify you by caller ID and will assume the worst. Even if you’re testing your phone system never dial 911 and hang up, always stay on the line to explain it’s a test call.)
My next thought was that if there was a fire next door that I could be in danger here if the fire were to spread. I grabbed Ozzy’s carrier from the closet, but due to all the commotion, Ozzy had decided to head for where he thought he was safe: under the bed. Finally I got him out from under and scooped him into the carrier, and by that time I could see firefighters going up the neighbor’s back stairs.
My upstairs neighbor was now in our back yard, and so I guessed that any threat to our house must have passed. I asked him about it, and sure enough, the fire was already out, but the firefighters were busy making sure that everything was safe on all the levels.
The fire started on the back porch. The young people next door (did I just call them young people? I can’t be too far from shaking my cane at them from the front porch and shouting «get off my lawn!») have a habit of tossing their cigarette butts. A smoldering cigarette is the likely cause.
I’m glad I quit that habit years ago, but hey: use ashtrays. If you don’t have one, they aren’t hard to improvise. That’s all I’ve got to say on the subject.
You handled this one
You handled this one well…and the advice is exceptionally good!