Is This What the Kids Are Reading These Days?
A friend told me about this series, that these books fascinated her in her early teens. She bought one to see if it would hold her interest in adulthood, and reported back that it was a guilty pleasure. So one morning I decided to read it over coffee.
It’s definitely kids’ fare. The spooky story was predictable even to the twist ending. It was an easy read without any pesky character development or subtext. Here is the equivalent of a campfire ghost story, expanded to fill nearly two hundred pages, even if it is two hundred pages of type large enough to drive a truck through.
I can see how a series like this could be a guilty pleasure, but it didn’t do much for me. However, it should also be noted that it had the decency not to take up much more time than it took for me to finish my morning coffee. It’s hard to feel cheated when the time investment is so minimal.
The New Years Party (Fear Street Superchiller #9), R.L. Stine
Simon Pulse Paperback, 1995
193 pages