He Who Dies With the Coolest Poster Wins
After a long couple days at the studio (almost done with a new piece) I’m relaxing at home with a cup of Ginger Twist tea, my Omas Emotica fountain pen, a new bottle of ink (Noodler’s «Galileo Manuscript Brown» made exclusively for Fountain Pen Network), and the newest episode of the new Terminator TV series. It’s pretty decent pulp TV, which is to say that part of what’s good about it is that it’s not really that good. Also, Summer Glau is easy on the eyes.
As part of establishing a new character as some sort of computer whiz kid and self-described geek, our attention is called to a poster this character has on his wall: «the official promotional poster for Kramnik vs Deep Fritz», a chess match between a man and a computer. See? He’s not just a garden variety smartypants; he’s some kind of confirmed nerdboy.
Five feet away from the televised image of this poster, on my living room wall? My promotional poster from Kasparov vs Deep Blue.
Get this: he then continues on, «most people cite the ’97 Kasparov/Deep Blue match as the watershed man versus machine chess match, but Fritz would have wiped the floor with Blue, just like Kramnik did with Kasparov. Besides, the other poster is impossible to find.»
Out of curiosity, I searched eBay and Google both for references to the poster, including a search on its headline, «How Do You Make a Computer Blink?» I found nothing. At least I’ve got the rare, hard-to-find stuff.