The Oath
Congratulations to Barack Obama for knowing at least one section of the Constitution of the United States better than the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. It would be horrific to think that Justice Roberts did that purposefully to make it look like Obama forgot the words he had just said. If Obama had parroted Roberts the whole country would be ablaze with the news that Obama had gotten it wrong, regardless of Roberts’ blunder.
My transcript (and the video)
My transcript (and the video) says that neither of them got it right. Does that mean he is not able to conduct Presidential business? The Constitution is very explicit on the wording that must be spoken before he gets Presidential powers. I bet they have a private redo of the swearing.
You’re right
Wow, I watched that three times and didn’t catch that Obama then proceeded to say it just the way Roberts did the first time.
I bet they don’t redo it. When Taft administered the Oath to Hoover, he substituted the word «maintain» for «protect» and as far as I know they didn’t have a redo. What Roberts and Obama said simply swapped a word to the end of the phrase in a way that does not alter the meaning of the sentence.
You are probably right, but
You are probably right, but the Constitution is explicit on the words that must be spoken, even placing them in quotes. My guess is that they don’t need to redo it because they did it in practice a couple of times. The Constitution doesn’t say they have to say it on TV.