Without wheels
The Guzzi is in the shop, and the news is not good. Repairs to the damage caused by a neighbor backing into the bike will be in the multiples of thousands of dollars. This means it’s time to get insurance companies involved. And I probably should have gotten them involved at minute one.
I was told not to be shocked by the first number that I got. The bent steering stop is part of the frame, and the only right way to repair the frame of the bike is to replace the frame. It seems that it can be welded, but that welding is not the preferred way of dealing with anything having to do with the frame of the bike. Theoretically anyway it can damage the integrity of the frame. The good folks at Munroe told me that there were other options, but that they have to start with a complete checklist of repairs the way the manufacturer (and insurance companies) would want it done before looking at alternatives.
What’s troubling is that the estimate I got from Munroe$2,800.00doesn’t include replacing the frame. So the number I get tomorrow could very easily exceed the value of the motorcycle. As much as I’m being told not to worry, that the woman who hit my bike and her insurance have to take care of it, it’s hard not to be concerned when looking at my sole form of transport being totaled.
Munroe is keeping the bike for the time being. They’re saying it’s not safe to ride because of the steering limitation and I have to admit that’s true. While there’s plenty of range for normal riding, The limitation on steering to the right is trouble at slow speeds in parking lots or any slow-speed maneuveringjust parking on the street requires extra care and I’ve had to make a couple of dramatic footplants to stay upright when I couldn’t turn the bars any further. While those situations are more likely to be embarrassing than injuriousdropping the bike at 5mph is never a proud momenta slightly faster encounter in an intersection with vehicles of the four-wheeled variety and the clueless idiots that drive them in this town could be a big problem.
For the time being I’m on foot and not in great spirits. The Guzzi is paid for so I don’t have to worry about covering a debt, but my experience with dealing with insurance is that it takes months if not years to get worked out. I’m in no position to take out a loan for a new (or even new to me) bike so I really am not happy about this turn of events.
As a postscript, I apologize for not having this written yesterday. The first day after I said I’d have something posted here every day and I’ve missed my first deadline. I got home from the shop at about six-thirty and was asleep on the couch by eight. I didn’t wake up until about 2am. My sleep cycle as well as my motorcycle is taking a hit.
Data point: my car was
Data point: my car was recently totaled and it took insurance less than two weeks to cut a check for it. It was totaled on Nov 20, declared so on Nov 22, we got the check on Dec 3, bought new car Dec 4.