
Studio setup underway

It’s been an inter­est­ing cou­ple of weeks. I’ve moved out of my stu­dio at the Third Street Art Explo­sion and I have been rear­rang­ing my cot­tage to ded­i­cate the down­stairs to my new stu­dio. In addi­tion to mov­ing every­thing from the stu­dio here, I’ve had to move pret­ty much every piece of fur­ni­ture I own either from down­stairs to upstairs or from upstairs to down. Let me tell you: mov­ing fur­ni­ture by myself ain’t easy.

It’s not easy but it’s gone a long way toward show­ing me that any­thing is pos­si­ble giv­en time. I haven’t done any of this all at once, it’s all been piece­meal. I’ve done a lot of mea­sur­ing and imag­in­ing and final­ly the pieces are begin­ning to come together.

It’s still a big mess here. There are a lot of box­es yet to unpack and I still don’t have a good solu­tion for stor­age of my large art­work. But the draw­ing table is set up, and so is the table that will dou­ble as my sup­plies stand and com­put­er table. There’s still no mon­i­tor for the com­put­er— —the antique in the pic­tures won’t con­nect to mod­ern Macs (or PCs for that mat­ter). And I still have a shred­der, a box full of files, and an inkjet print­er next to my bed.

I did­n’t get this far by try­ing to get it all done at once. I have to remind myself to take it a step at a time. Even­tu­al­ly, I’ll have a stu­dio that does­n’t feel like it’s real­ly a bed­room (mak­ing good progress there) and a bed­room that does­n’t feel like a liv­ing room (there’s a ways yet to go on that and I’m not sure it’s real­ly a desir­able goal).

I have to do more strat­e­gy than this. There are more changes hap­pen­ing than just some fur­ni­ture. My whole way of work­ing is going to have to evolve as well, and that’s a much big­ger set of questions.

For now, lit­er­al­ly and fig­u­ra­tive­ly, the heavy lift­ing of this move is done. It’s sort of like get­ting all the bor­der pieces in place in a puz­zle. There’s a lot more to do but what I’ve done makes the rest possible.

2 Replies to “Studio setup underway”

  1. Progress

    What a lot of work! Looks like it’s tak­ing shape, though. Don’t let all the rest of the details get you dis­cour­aged.  Also, think about whether there are things you no longer need or don’t work for you. Have you decid­ed where the bed goes yet?


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