Worlds apart
Some intense writing today. I wanted to make up for the time lost yesterday in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I hoped I might push my total to 10,000 words today, but didn’t get there and at this point I’m exhausted. I need to set it down for the night. I wrote 2,825 words today which is the most I’ve written in one day since I started keeping track on Friday, and I wrote material that wasn’t previously on the outline so that’s a really satisfactory day.
Today’s writing took me in some unexpected directions. Two of my peripheral characters got some more depth and I had some ideas for future subplots for those two. The scene I wrote today is funny and beautiful and heartbreaking. It exposes the characters and promises more. It hints at the very core of what not just this novel but the whole series is about, and it telegraphs events that are to come.
And out of context it seems so random and silly: most of what I wrote today was a conversation in the White House between the White House Chief of Staff and an extraterrestrial woman. They speak in Russian about his first kiss. And the things the alien Ambassador says to the Chief of Staff about being human made me cry as I wrote it.
I really hope that looking at it later it is not as terrible as I just made it sound. But this is where it’s leading me. Better to have words down and delete them later than not to have explored this avenue.
Though today was Voting Day (and Guy Fawkes Day) I failed to vote. I have a variety of excuses but it comes down to it being difficult to get excited about voting on a ballot where all the candidates are running unopposed. Democracy is alive and well somewhere, but not in San Francisco.