
Chart: minimum wage in cost-of-living-adjusted dollars

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Updat­ed 2021. Orig­i­nal­ly post­ed 2013

There has been a lot of talk late­ly about the min­i­mum wage and how it ought to be raised. It has been claimed that min­i­mum wage work­ers are mak­ing less now than ever and that the nation is in a crit­i­cal race to the bot­tom where work­ers on the low end of the spec­trum are get­ting squeezed hard­er and harder.

This rais­es the ques­tion of the his­tor­i­cal min­i­mum wage in the Unit­ed States. Is it real­ly low­er now than it ever has been? Did Amer­i­ca once have a min­i­mum wage that ele­vat­ed work­ers from poverty?

Specif­i­cal­ly sev­er­al posts on Face­book and oth­er sites where bad data is the norm rather than the excep­tion, the exam­ple of 1968 has been cit­ed. In the old days we did things right, or so goes the nar­ra­tive. These posts make it sound as though in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and even the 80s that the min­i­mum wage was a plen­ti­ful boun­ty com­pared to the mea­ger scrap it is today.

So what is the min­i­mum wage when com­pared to the days of old and adjust­ed for infla­tion? This chart uses the data from the Depart­ment of Labor and the infla­tion cal­cu­la­tor from the Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics. The min­i­mum wage from each year1 was com­bined with the price infla­tion to adjust the val­ues to 20132 dollars.

The first thing that imme­di­ate­ly is appar­ent is that 1968 is an out­lier. The adjust­ed $14.193 min­i­mum wage was unprece­dent­ed and has not been seen since. So while the com­par­isons to 1968 may be entire­ly accu­rate, the 1968 num­bers ought not be con­sid­ered rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the his­to­ry of the min­i­mum wage.

It is best for this post to stick to the facts. Extrap­o­lat­ing any of this infor­ma­tion to an argu­ment for a high­er, low­er, main­tained or even elim­i­nat­ed min­i­mum wage is left as an exer­cise for the read­er. There are only two points of obser­va­tion I care to add aside from the above men­tion of 1968.

First, over the long term, the min­i­mum wage seems sta­ble. The large shifts up occurred at 1950 and 1956, and the major decline in adjust­ed min­i­mum wage occurred in the 80s while the min­i­mum wage remained sta­ble while infla­tion ate away at its val­ue. Oth­er than those tran­si­tions, it seems that the min­i­mum wage gen­er­al­ly has adjust­ed only to com­pen­sate for inflation.

Sec­ond, over the short term, the adjust­ed dol­lar val­ue of the min­i­mum wage always falls. This should not be a sur­prise. The con­stant drop of the val­ue of the dol­lar serves to erode the val­ue of the min­i­mum wage. The wage is adjust­ed upward to com­pen­sate peri­od­i­cal­ly much like prices get raised by retail­ers to com­pen­sate for the loss of val­ue in the dol­lars their prices were set in.

This appar­ent con­flict should be eas­i­ly under­stood but ought to illus­trate the caus­es for the con­flict. It is easy at any point to make the case that the min­i­mum wage is either sta­ble or falling — or even ris­ing — depend­ing on what one wants the data to illustrate.

Again, no con­clu­sions are intend­ed from the pre­sen­ta­tion of this chart. The con­ver­sa­tion about the min­i­mum wage is one with legit­i­mate argu­ments on both sides, but only if those argu­ments are made with real num­bers which are not select­ed for the pur­pos­es of sup­port­ing an argu­ment. Hope­ful­ly this data shines some light over all perspectives.

Tab­u­lar data here for your enjoy­ment: (orig­i­nal table in foot­note)4

Year Min­i­mum Wage Infla­tion Infla­tion multiplier Wage in 2021 dollars
1938 $0.25 -2.1% 0.0426 $5.86
1939 $0.30 -1.4% 0.0420 $7.13
1940 $0.30 0.7% 0.0423 $7.08
1941 $0.30 5% 0.0445 $6.73
1942 $0.30 10.9% 0.0500 $5.99
1943 $0.30 6.1% 0.0533 $5.63
1944 $0.30 1.7% 0.0542 $5.53
1945 $0.40 2.3% 0.0554 $7.21
1946 $0.40 8.3% 0.0605 $6.61
1947 $0.40 14.4% 0.0707 $5.66
1948 $0.40 8.1% 0.0769 $5.20
1949 $0.40 -1.2% 0.0760 $5.26
1950 $0.75 1.3% 0.0770 $9.74
1951 $0.75 7.9% 0.0836 $8.97
1952 $0.75 1.9% 0.0852 $8.80
1953 $0.75 0.8% 0.0859 $8.73
1954 $0.75 0.7% 0.0865 $8.67
1955 $0.75 -0.4% 0.0862 $8.70
1956 $1.00 1.5% 0.0875 $11.43
1957 $1.00 3.3% 0.0904 $11.05
1958 $1.00 2.8% 0.0931 $10.74
1959 $1.00 0.7% 0.0937 $10.67
1960 $1.00 1.77% 0.0954 $10.48
1961 $1.15 1.07% 0.0964 $11.92
1962 $1.15 1.20% 0.0976 $11.78
1963 $1.25 1.24% 0.0988 $12.64
1964 $1.25 1.28% 0.1001 $12.48
1965 $1.25 1.59% 0.1017 $12.28
1966 $1.25 3.02% 0.1049 $11.91
1967 $1.40 2.77% 0.1079 $12.97
1968 $1.60 4.27% 0.1127 $14.19
1969 $1.60 5.46% 0.1192 $13.41
1970 $1.60 5.84% 0.1266 $12.63
1971 $1.60 4.29% 0.1323 $12.09
1972 $1.60 3.27% 0.1368 $11.69
1973 $1.60 6.18% 0.1458 $10.97
1974 $2.00 11.05% 0.1639 $12.20
1975 $2.10 9.14% 0.1804 $11.64
1976 $2.30 5.74% 0.1914 $12.02
1977 $2.30 6.50% 0.2047 $11.23
1978 $2.65 7.63% 0.2216 $11.96
1979 $2.90 11.25% 0.2497 $11.61
1980 $3.10 13.55% 0.2888 $10.73
1981 $3.35 10.33% 0.3221 $10.40
1982 $3.35 6.13% 0.3432 $9.76
1983 $3.35 3.21% 0.3545 $9.45
1984 $3.35 4.30% 0.3705 $9.04
1985 $3.35 3.55% 0.3841 $8.72
1986 $3.35 1.90% 0.3915 $8.55
1987 $3.35 3.66% 0.4064 $8.24
1988 $3.35 4.08% 0.4237 $7.91
1989 $3.35 4.83% 0.4452 $7.52
1990 $3.80 5.40% 0.4706 $8.07
1991 $4.25 4.24% 0.4915 $8.65
1992 $4.25 3.03% 0.5068 $8.38
1993 $4.25 2.95% 0.5222 $8.14
1994 $4.25 2.61% 0.5362 $7.92
1995 $4.25 2.81% 0.5517 $7.70
1996 $4.75 2.93% 0.5684 $8.36
1997 $5.15 2.34% 0.5820 $8.85
1998 $5.15 1.55% 0.5912 $8.71
1999 $5.15 2.19% 0.6044 $8.52
2000 $5.15 3.38% 0.6256 $8.23
2001 $5.15 2.83% 0.6438 $8.00
2002 $5.15 1.59% 0.6542 $7.87
2003 $5.15 2.27% 0.6694 $7.69
2004 $5.15 2.68% 0.6878 $7.49
2005 $5.15 3.39% 0.7120 $7.23
2006 $5.15 3.23% 0.7357 $7.00
2007 $5.85 2.85% 0.7573 $7.72
2008 $6.55 3.84% 0.7876 $8.32
2009 $7.25 -0.36% 0.7847 $9.24
2010 $7.25 1.64% 0.7978 $9.09
2011 $7.25 3.16% 0.8239 $8.80
2012 $7.25 2.07% 0.8413 $8.62
2013 $7.25 1.46% 0.8537 $8.49
2014 $7.25 1.62% 0.8678 $8.35
2015 $7.25 0.12% 0.8688 $8.34
2016 $7.25 1.26% 0.8799 $8.24
2017 $7.25 2.13% 0.8991 $8.06
2018 $7.25 2.44% 0.9216 $7.87
2019 $7.25 1.81% 0.9386 $7.72
2020 $7.25 1.2% 0.95 $7.63
2021 $7.25 5% 1 $7.25

  1. The year in which the min­i­mum wage was changed each year was used for the entire year regard­less of when in the year the change took place. This intro­duces some inac­cu­ra­cy to the data as for exam­ple the $1.25 min­i­mum wage for 1963 did not take effect until Sep­tem­ber of that year. Over a peri­od of decades it ought not cause much dis­tor­tion. 
  2. The orig­i­nal ver­sion of this post was based on 2013 dol­lars 
  3. Orig­i­nal ver­sion of this post said $10.74, as it was list­ing in 2013 dol­lars. 
  4. Year Min­i­mum Wage Adjust­ed 2013 Dollars
    1938 $0.25 $4.14
    1939 $0.30 $5.04
    1940 $0.30 $5.00
    1941 $0.30 $4.77
    1942 $0.30 $4.30
    1943 $0.30 $4.05
    1944 $0.30 $3.98
    1945 $0.40 $5.19
    1946 $0.40 $4.79
    1947 $0.40 $4.19
    1948 $0.40 $3.88
    1949 $0.40 $3.93
    1950 $0.75 $7.27
    1951 $0.75 $6.74
    1952 $0.75 $6.61
    1953 $0.75 $6.56
    1954 $0.75 $6.51
    1955 $0.75 $6.54
    1956 $1.00 $8.59
    1957 $1.00 $8.31
    1958 $1.00 $8.08
    1959 $1.00 $8.03
    1960 $1.00 $7.89
    1961 $1.15 $8.98
    1962 $1.15 $8.89
    1963 $1.25 $9.54
    1964 $1.25 $9.42
    1965 $1.25 $9.27
    1966 $1.25 $9.01
    1967 $1.40 $9.79
    1968 $1.60 $10.74
    1969 $1.60 $10.18
    1970 $1.60 $9.63
    1971 $1.60 $9.23
    1972 $1.60 $8.94
    1973 $1.60 $8.42
    1974 $2.00 $9.47
    1975 $2.10 $9.12
    1976 $2.30 $9.44
    1977 $2.30 $8.86
    1978 $2.65 $9.49
    1979 $2.90 $9.33
    1980 $3.10 $8.79
    1981 $3.35 $8.61
    1982 $3.35 $8.11
    1983 $3.35 $7.86
    1984 $3.35 $7.53
    1985 $3.35 $7.27
    1986 $3.35 $7.14
    1987 $3.35 $6.89
    1988 $3.35 $6.61
    1989 $3.35 $6.31
    1990 $3.80 $6.79
    1991 $4.25 $7.29
    1992 $4.25 $7.07
    1993 $4.25 $6.87
    1994 $4.25 $6.70
    1995 $4.25 $6.51
    1996 $4.75 $7.07
    1997 $5.15 $7.49
    1998 $5.15 $7.38
    1999 $5.15 $7.22
    2000 $5.15 $6.98
    2001 $5.15 $6.79
    2002 $5.15 $6.69
    2003 $5.15 $6.54
    2004 $5.15 $6.37
    2005 $5.15 $6.16
    2006 $5.15 $5.97
    2007 $5.85 $6.59
    2008 $6.55 $7.10
    2009 $7.25 $7.89
    2010 $7.25 $7.77
    2011 $7.25 $7.53
    2012 $7.25 $7.37
    2013 $7.25 $7.25

3 Replies to “Chart: minimum wage in cost-of-living-adjusted dollars”

    1. Clar­i­fi­ca­tion
      You mean the Bush the younger regime. Dur­ing Bush the elder’s time in office the min­i­mum wage went from $3.35 ($6.31 in 2013 dol­lars) to $4.25 ($7.07 in 2013 dollars.)

      Although I don’t see the evi­dence for such a state­ment about Bush the younger, either. In 2001 the min­i­mum wage was $5.15 ($6.98 in 2013 dol­lars.) In 2006 that same $5.15 was only $5.97 in 2013 dol­lars, but by the end of 2008 the min­i­mum wage was $6.55 ($7.10 in 2013 dollars.) 

      I don’t sus­pect that rais­ing the min­i­mum wage was either Bush­es’ idea in any of those cas­es, but that requires infor­ma­tion out­side the scope of this data. It’s prob­a­bly more rel­e­vant that in the years in all three Bush terms when the min­i­mum wage increased that Con­gress was con­trolled by Democrats.

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