73 days until 42.2
Over the last few days (really months) I’ve struggled with whether to register for the Mohawk-Hudson River Marathon in October. I detailed the dilemma in my last post but the quick version is whether to go for the distance or to try to get more speed at a shorter distance.
The decision is made. I’ve registered for the full 42.2.
I cheated on the big decision. In addition to Mohawk-Hudson I also registered for the Upstate Classic Half Marathon in late November. Temperatures should definitely be lower and I’ll have another month and a half to gain speed. If I can beat my 2004 half marathon time in 2024, that will be my best shot at it. Why not both?
Now comes the hard part: I have to do the training. Fortunately I’ve been doing the training but until now I’ve had the option to bow out, slack off, or even overdo it and have to take some extra rest. Now I have to have a plan, and I have to stick to it.
My running buddy Dylan uses the app Runna to plan his training. There’s no shortage of training plans out there but I’m at least going to start the Runna trial to see what it suggests.
I probably need a new watch. My two and a half year old Apple Watch SE doesn’t have enough battery life to get me through a running workout over five hours. It died after mile ten of last year’s Mohawk-Hudson River Half Marathon.
I’ve gotten better battery life out of it since then by disabling the voice announcements feature for my pace alerts, and playing with GPS options, airplane mode, and low power modes. There may be more I can do like taking the map off of my main screen in my run tracking app WorkOutDoors. I will want pace reminders on the marathon and I need to be able to trust that my watch will survive the whole way.
My first choice is to wait for the release of the Apple Watch Ultra 3 next month, since I’m already used to the Apple Watch. I’m tempted to consider a Garmin instead, but I don’t think right now is the best time to relearn new systems.
I’m not sure exactly how crazy I am to have scheduled three major races six weeks apart from one another. My calendar also has two 15K races this year, in November and December. Whatever the scale I’m sure I have a non-zero value for crazy.