Spirited 8 Miles Away by a Femme Fatale?
Trying to figure out what to do tonight. I’m on Bart on my way to Oakland to meet up with El Destino and perhaps go catch a movie.
Tonight the new DePalma flick goes up against Eminem’s screen debut. Ironically the Eminem movie looks like it’ll be the soulful intellectually-challenging choice up against smutty trash, but that’s always a tough choice.
Might also see Bowling for Columbine, which I’ve not seen, or Spirited Away, which I admit even more reluctantly to having so far missed. I guess whatever it ends up being, I have a good chance of seeing something I’ll like.
I avoided buying the Palm Tungsten today. I got paid and I have the cash to do it, but I think for once I’ll try to leave myself with enough cash to get through the week. I’m down to rice and eggs in the cupboard because I cut things too close last week. Rather not repeat that one.
Besides, I’m pretty certain that I can wait another week or two and still be the first on my block. =^) Anyway, I owe a lot of people money and it would be nice to have the bills paid.