Adverts and how to get rid of them
I don’t make much money from putting ads on my site. At the rate I’m going, the site generates enough revenue in two years to pay for my hosting for a month. Of course, Monochromatic Outlook isn’t here to make money, but two things come in to the question: first, I’m sort of fascinated to see what advertisements show up on different pages. I get excited when I see Wacom ads (I use and covet Wacom products) and experience disappointment when I see those cheap weight-loss scam ads.
Second, of course, is that it wouldn’t hurt to get a little money out of this once in a while.
I recognize that ads are usually an annoyance, and that regular readers of Monochromatic Outlook are probably the least likely to actually click on the ads, so I’ve made a couple changes.
As you may or may not have noticed, there is now a small ad banner at the top of every page. You may not have noticed it because it is automatically disabled for anyone who is logged in to the site. Anonymous users will see those banners; everyone else will miss them.
The second change is that the «Revenuemongering» square ad block in the right hand column is now optional for anyone other than anonymous users. If you’d like to stop seeing it and you are logged in, click on the «My account» link and then click «edit». There is a section there called «block configuration» where you can uncheck «simple ad block», whereafter you won’t see the ad block. If you want to stop seeing it and you’re not logged in, log in.
My aim here is to reduce the annoyance for my readers while increasing the effectiveness of the advertisements. The secondary benefit is that it encourages readers to log in, which makes it easier to comment on posts, makes it possible to get notifications of new comments for posts you’ve commented on, and notify your Facebook friends when you make comments.
For myself, I was serious about enjoying seeing what ads come up. I’m leaving the «Revenuemongering» block up when I look at the site to write posts or edit or configure the site. I don’t click on ads on my own site (that’s a no-no in Google’s world) but I do sometimes search on the businesses or products I see there. If you don’t feel the same way about the ads, by all means get rid of them.