Where to live

Here’s my rec­om­mend­ed where-to-live list from http://www.FindYourSpot.com’s quiz. Some sur­pris­es, oth­ers not sur­pris­ing at all. The ques­tion­naire was thor­ough with­out being tedious. My com­pli­ments to the devel­op­ers of the site. I’m very curi­ous about the busi­ness mod­el, but that’s beside the point.

  1. Bal­ti­more, Maryland
  2. Prov­i­dence, Rhode Island
  3. New Haven, Connecticut
  4. Nor­folk, Virginia
  5. Boston, Mass­a­chu­setts
  6. Long Island, New York
  7. Hart­ford, Connecticut
  8. Char­lotte, North Carolina
  9. Albu­querque, New Mexico
  10. New York City, New York
  11. Worces­ter, Massachusetts
  12. Philadel­phia, Pennsylvania
  13. Chesa­peake-Vir­ginia Beach, Virginia
  14. Man­hat­tan, New York
  15. Port­land, Oregon
  16. Wash­ing­ton, Dis­trict of Columbia
  17. Carlisle, Penn­syl­va­nia
  18. Lit­tle Rock, Arkansas
  19. Bergen-Pas­sa­ic, New Jersey
  20. Gaithers­burg, Maryland
  21. Charleston, West Virginia
  22. Fred­er­ick, Maryland
  23. Pitts­burgh, Pennsylvania
  24. Las Vegas, Nevada


4 Replies to “Where to live”

  1. Cark­isle?


    How did Carlisle, PA make the cut? Every oth­er loca­tion is a major city. Carlisle is a sub­urb of Har­ris­burg, but still.…..


    1. No idea

      There were too many ques­tions and I know too lit­tle about Carlisle to even haz­ard a guess. The page on FindYourSpot.com for Carlisle is a shared Carlisle/Harrisburg page but the site does­n’t say any­thing at all about why it was picked for me specif­i­cal­ly. Pos­si­bly being so near to a larg­er city it was con­sid­er­ered to have the ameni­ties of a big city with­in easy access.

      I’ve giv­en some casu­al thought to how one would build a site like that. It would require a lot of data which is pul­blicly avail­able but I have no idea how to weight the val­ues. I sup­pose one would have to ask relat­ed ques­tions and cross-ref­er­ence the answers. For exam­ple, some­one might strong­ly agree that it’s good to live some­where where there is a love­ly blan­ket of snow some morn­ings but also answer that they dis­like an over­ly cold win­ter more than an over­ly hot sum­mer. I said I pre­fer too cold to too hot, but also «strong­ly agreed» that heat with­out humid­i­ty is easy to take. And I got Albe­querque on my list.

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