Magnus somno
I somehow never got to reading any of Raymond Chandler when I was younger. I suppose it’s too much pulp for High School English. I suppose this is not really great literature, but I’ll say this for Chandler: the guy had a way with words.
> I went upstairs again and sat in my chair thinking about Harry Jones and his story. It seemed a little too pat. It had the austere simplicity of fiction rather than the tangled woof of fact.
Inventive in his use of language, direct and laconic, Chandler impressed me with his ability to hold a consistant tone without ever getting dreary. He wrote well. I’m glad I took the leap.
Love detective noir stories.
Love detective noir stories. If you see it around, check out Berlin Noir, by Phillip Kerr. Imagine Philip Marlowe in pre-WWII Berlin, dealing with life during the rise of the Nazi party — spiraling inflation, a suffering middle class, a haute upper class and an oppressive, corrupt police force to reckon with.