«Ties It Together» Get It?
Robin Shamburg’s Mistress Ruby Ties It Together: A Dominatrix Takes on Sex, Power, and the Secret Lives of Upstanding Citizens is a memoir that tells more about Ms Shamburg than it does about sex, BDSM, or society. While it offers up some tasty anecdotes, largely at the expense of her former clients, this read was surprisingly light on insight about the world she tried to expose to the reader.
At the very end we’re treated to a bit of philosophy of sex in American culture, and Ms Shamburg makes an earnest and well-considered plea for consciousness regarding the exercise of sexual power in any relationship. What grabbed me, however, was almost a side note presented in the final chapter where she described her expectation that once her gig as Dominatrix was done that she would return to «straight» life. Instead she realized that no one has a straight life: her grandmother climbed the wall of a convent and escaped to America, and everyone she says she’s talked to has something unexpected or risky in their life.
So there’s no real distinction to weirdness. We’ve all got our real lives, rich with texture that some will understand and others won’t. Holding down a 9‑to‑5 job neither exempts any of us from the stigma nor robs us of the adventure of whatever kink we explore, sexual or otherwise. I like this idea. It highlights the truth that we each have a responsibility to live our lives fully and authentically, no matter who we are or what we do.