The Only Thing We Have To Fear is Art Itself
An interesting if brief exploration of defusing the capital A in «Art», Art & Fear suggests that making art is an activity like any other. Art does not need to be precious or perfect, it simply needs to be made. The more art we make the better we get at it, and the fear associated with perfectionism does not serve us. There are geniuses out there, mostly in history books, who were blessed with an instinctive knowledge of their art. Bayles’ example of this is Mozart. But what of those of us who were not born knowing how to compose music but had to learn it the way ordinary mortals do? History is replete with brilliant artists who developed over time, as we do with any skill.
The point of this book is to help us to let go of all the preconceived notions of what it is to be an artists and simply get on with making art. It’s a noble effort, very down to earth and straightforward, and as already mentioned, brief.
Art & Fear, David Bayles
Image Continuum Press Paperback, 2001
122 Pages