Not broke

Damn. Now I wish I had a date this weekend.

I got an unex­pect­ed pay­check today, so I could real­ly go out in style.

Or y’know, put some toward my rent or some­thing. I guess that would be smarter.

It’s kin­da weird what a fuck­ing amaz­ing rush it is to have a cou­ple thou­sand bucks in my pock­et. I am SUCH a mon­ey addict. I think part of the rea­son that I stay poor is because I scare myself when I have money.

But I tell ya, it sure beats won­der­ing where my next meal is com­ing from.

8 Replies to “Not broke”

  1. Fas­ci­nat­ing. I men­tion
    Fas­ci­nat­ing. I men­tion hav­ing mon­ey and the hot chyx start pay­ing atten­tion to me.

    Try­ing to decide whether to take this in a cyn­i­cal light or just start try­ing to col­lect more money.

  2. *pon­ders*…
    OK so, like…


    OK so, like… would *you* date me if I weren’t broke all the time?

    If you would, you’d regret it real fast, but I’m won­der­ing if Splicer + mon­ey == attractive.

  3. Well, the thing is, when I
    Well, the thing is, when I come away from a first date the main thing I’m ask­ing myself is: “Was that fun? Did I have a good time?” If it was and I did, then I prob­a­bly will want to see the guy again; and the plain fact is that fan­cy din­ners and what­not are FUN. Obvi­ous­ly, you can show a girl a good time with­out spend­ing a lot of mon­ey — it’s just *eas­i­er* to have a whirl­wind, crazy-hap­py kind of night if you’re eat­ing great food and catch­ing a show or something. 

    Unfor­tu­nate­ly, if you and I were dat­ing, you would dump me as soon as you real­ized how much I drink.

  4. Nah­hh. I think our
    Nah­hh. I think our respec­tive his­to­ries with one anoth­er and our mutu­al friends would be more problematic. 

    Besides, if your drink­ing were tru­ly a prob­lem you’d prob­a­bly find it a lot hard­er to deal with me than I you.

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