Broke again

Remem­ber all that mon­ey? It’s all gone now.

Well, no, it’s not real­ly all gone, but I deposit­ed the check and won’t have access to it ’til some­time next week. So I’m liv­ing on the $100 that the bank gives me access to after an ATM deposit. And that $100 is almost gone now. I’ve done some nice things with it though:

1) Treat­ed myself to Thai food, which was tasty and the wait­ress flirt­ed with me a lit­tle too much. I enjoyed that tremen­dous­ly and tipped her well, know­ing that I’m just train­ing myself for lonely-old-manhood.

2) Bought some 10-lb plates for my dumb­bells. Using dumb­bells at home is now dif­fi­cult again, and that’s good. Car­ry­ing 40 lbs of stuff home in my shoul­derbag was quite the adven­ture, but that’s just telling me how much more dif­fi­cult life is than it was a cou­ple years (and forty pounds) ago, and how much more dif­fi­cult life will be if I gain anoth­er forty.

3) trad­ed a lot of the rest of it for non-eas­i­ly spend­able denom­i­na­tions for laun­dry and to go into my coin col­lec­tion. That’ll even­tu­al­ly come back to me, of course, and it gives me some­thing to do, which is damn nice.


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