I like these new plates

The dif­fer­ence between dumb­bell curls with 20 lbs in each hand and curls with 30lbs in each hand is amaz­ing.

I love being able to see my veins stand­ing up on my arms. Wow, that’s kin­da gross, but what the hell. Got­ta take the cheap thrills where I can.

What’s sur­pris­ing is how much my legs hurt after car­ry­ing the plates home. Between the trek down Mar­ket Street and the dis­tance from the J Church stop and home I car­ried that extra 40 pounds about a mile and a half.

2 Replies to “I like these new plates”

  1. Ooooo veins! Take a pic. I
    Ooooo veins! Take a pic. I wan­na see!

    I used to lift weights (although that was a short-lived affair and the weights were no more than 10lb) but I could­n’t sus­tain the ener­gy lev­el that required. I’m much too lazy to fol­low a fit­ness pro­gram of any sort.

    I hope you will stick to yours, how­ev­er. I will be cheer­ing you on, my friend.

  2. I tried tak­ing some pic­tures
    I tried tak­ing some pic­tures for you today, but the light was­n’t right. Here are some old ones, but even still, you can’t real­ly see all the veins as they are when I’m actu­al­ly in motion, and I was total­ly unsuc­cess­ful with the “cam­era in one hand and a dumb­bell in the oth­er” maneu­ver, so this is all you get for now.

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