What’s on my Palm?
480 address records
0 Datebook records
48 memo pad items
6 note pad items
2 to-do list records
(all my datebook/to-do records were wiped out thanks to Apple’s iSync. Thanks, Apple.)
Ababall, a fancy Breakout game
Agendus Pro, a datebook, to-do list, and contact add-on with email
AllTime, for tracking time and billing. Don’t use this much anymore, since I’m on salary
AvantGo, for no reason other than running
BART schedule and planner
PocketChess Deluxe
CryptInfo, for storing passwords
FileZ, a free file utility that I use to move pictures I take with TungPix to a directory where SplashPhoto will read it.
Palm Reader Pro, on which I currently have Snowcrash, Cryptonomicon, How To Read a Person Like a Book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and the “Vest Pocket Dictionary”.
Pocket Quicken
pTunes, which has some assorted music on it. I don’t think I’m going to use my Palm as an MP3 player much longer. The 40GB iPod looks to trump the biggest SD card I can cram into the Palm by a factor of about 80
SplashPhoto for looking at pictures I take, or pictures I collect, or porn, or whatever
TungPix, for taking pictures
Web Pro
WordSmith, which is arguably the best word processor for the Palm