Setting up the new bike, and I’m real curious to see how it rides.
It’s a bigger frame than I’m used toâa 55cm frame, where my racing bike is a 53cm frame. Hopefully I won’t have to make any rapid dismounts (!!!!). The fellow who set up the bike recommended the 55cm, as he said “most people ride frames that are too small.” Interesting.
Well, very very interesting, actually. the frame geometry of this bike is so very different from my racing bike, although I didn’t notice at first. It may be a taller frame, but it’s a much shorter frameâa full 2cm shorter by the top tube measurement. So no wonder people are riding road bikes that are too small for them! Even this one which may be too big may be too small!
I don’t really know enough about frame geometry to know what the advantages and disadvantages of different frame proportions are. I’m guessing that a shorter top tube makes for a more upright ride, which might also explain why the handlebars are so far up in the air. Not only does the stem rise much higher than on the racing bike, the handlebars are angled much higher up than the racing bike’s.
The handlebars and stems can be adjusted, but I’m going to try riding it like this for a little while, and see how it goes. Maybe I want a more upright ride in traffic.
The “trail” of the bike is a little longer than the racing bike, and shorter than my hybrid. They are 8cm, 7cm, and 10cm respectively by my quick and sloppy measurements. That means that this bike probably won’t be responsive like the racing bike, but will be a more stable ride. The wheelbase of the two bikes is surprisingly close, both about 99cm. My hybrid comes in at 108cm.
The handlebars on the new bike are not just higher; they are also much wider. Close to 3cm wider. That’s gotta be good for climbing, right?
This is surprising, considering that this bike seems (in my untrained) to be otherwise set up more for touring or commuting rather than racing: the wheels do not have the clearance necessary to install fenders. With a rear rack this isn’t so much of an issue, and maybe I can find much smaller fenders than the ones I have.
I’ll post again after I’ve taken it out for a short ride. Don’t want to go too far, as I’m still not feeling 100%. But I’m 100% better than I was yesterday. Even being woken up twice, it’s nice to get enough sleep. I slept from probably 9:30pm until almost 7am today. It was weird waking up after a few hours sleep and seeing the corner store’s light still on. Still wouldn’t be surprised if I need a nap before too long.