New Tunez

Got some new CDs yesterday:

Shango—Juno Reac­tor
Defend­ers of the Faith—Judas Priest

For me, get­ting music can be a lit­tle like some peo­ple describe buy­ing porn or con­doms. It’s OK if I have a few oth­er items, but even then I’m a lit­tle ner­vous about peo­ple see­ing what I have. Maybe it’s because I pride myself on my eclec­tic tastes, it just seems like if I go and buy some Madon­na or Judas Priest (hell, even Juno Reactor—his stuff is all over the Matrix sound­tracks. How much more main­stream can you get?). Which is why I don’t go to Tow­er very much. It’s not that I’m opposed to big dis­gust­ing cor­po­rate stores. I eat at Burg­er King some­times, so BFD. No, it’s like there is noth­ing I can buy in those places that won’t peg me as a demographic.

«Oh, it’s an alter­na-rock­er»
«Oh, it’s an 80s met­al poseur»
«Oh, it’s a pop music fan»
«Oh, he’s into electronica»

…and I’m imag­in­ing the eyes rolling with every item. If I can be cat­e­go­rized, I’m auto­mat­i­cal­ly lame. Even buy­ing the Res­i­dents makes me some kind of art-skool par­o­dy of myself. So if I can help it, I’ll only let peo­ple catch me buying/listening to Con­rad Schnit­zler, Nash the Slash, or Sun Ra. Oh, and Nick Cave. If he can be unashamed about lov­ing Jesus Christ when his entire fan base is nihilis­tic athe­ists, I can bring Nick Cave to the reg­is­ter. But that’s my only act of courage.

Even that makes me basi­cal­ly just a car­toon char­ac­ter. Look at that! If a musi­cian has­n’t appeared in a Matt Howarth com­ic, I won’t lis­ten to them.

I’m just anoth­er sheep. I just pre­tend that I have bet­ter taste in music than you.

9 Replies to “New Tunez”

  1. Well, you must have bet­ter
    Well, you must have bet­ter taste in music since I don’t know any of the peo­ple you men­tioned. Share a link some­time, I’d love to hear some­thing. Or burn me your most ecclec­tic CD you can think of. Yah, I’m a “gimme gimme bitch” sometimes.

    But, I know what you mean. For exam­ple. I worked my ass till like 8 last nite. Thought, shit, got­ta be at the air­port to pick some­one up in 2 hours, what to do? So I ran to the gym to at least get 30 min­utes of car­dio in and “veg” out peo­ple watch­ing. I fin­ished about 8:45 and remem­bered I still did­n’t eat. Oh well. I need to get out a bit. So I ran to Borders.

    Here’s where my “I know what you mean” state­ment comes in. I love to look at mag­a­zines. Some­times I buy one wor­thy of a good bath­room read, but often times I scan for some­thing dif­fer­ent or inter­est­ing. The mags I always go to:
    * Tat­toos (I’m always facinated)
    * Gay / Alter­na­tive lifestyles (Once again, facinated)
    * Fash­ion or Cur­rent Events
    * Music
    * Max­im, FHM, etc. (I get the “look”)

    And for one thing, peo­ple are always hid­ing what mags they look at. Like I give a fuck. Read what you want, just don’t judge me for what I read. And yeah, I some­times look at hair­style mag­a­zines or 17, I like to see what the lat­est shit is goin on. Or a preg­nan­cy mag­a­zine, I’m not prego, but who cares. 

    AND, the worst, is some­one who wants to strike up a con­ver­sa­tion BASED on the mag I’m wear­ing. It’s like, um, please don’t announce to the book­store that I’m checkin out “Black Les­bians who Cro­chet.” That’s my busi­ness. I had a guy fol­low me from the mag sec­tion where I was check­ing out tat­toos, to the Erot­i­ca sec­tion where I was read­ing how to have a 24-hour orgasm. Fuck…give it a rest. 

    Sor­ry for rant­i­ng in your journal. 

    *smiles* Good morning.

    1. You are per­fect­ly wel­come to
      You are per­fect­ly wel­come to rant in response to my rants. Please stop apol­o­giz­ing for it.

      I think I will make a “Son­ic Curios­i­ty” mix CD for you, com­prised entire­ly of artists found in Matt Howarth comix. Or maybe I’ll just throw some ran­dom stuff togeth­er to freak you out.

      I’ll have some­thing put togeth­er by the time you get back from SoCal.

    1. Dun­no, but I think that’s
      Dun­no, but I think that’s just about the end of anony­mous post­ing here at Between that and the death threats, I just don’t have time to go chas­ing after peo­ple by their IP address­es and then have noth­ing I can do to them anyhow.

    1. Well, actu­al­ly, Shango is a
      Well, actu­al­ly, Shango is a 2000 release, The Madon­na CD is from 1992, and the Judas Priest was 1984. The Nash the Slash record­ings I bought recent­ly were from the late 70s and ear­ly 80s. I prob­a­bly could­n’t name a sin­gle song or album released in 2003 (not with­out cheat­ing and nam­ing a movie sound­track as an album). I’m real­ly out of touch that way.

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