OK, now I get it.
I just peeked in to look at the menu of a restaurant near where I work. It had a number of items:
This: $18.00
That: $22.00
The Other: $30.00
and notably:
Lobster: $54.00
Which means I finally get the joke from Mystery Men:
We’ve got a blind date with Destinyand it looks like she’s ordered the lobster
Yeah, I’m pretty slow.
Maybe if you’d gone on a
Maybe if you’d gone on a date anytime this millennium you’d understand.
Shut up, Mom.
Shut up, Mom.
That’s harsh…
That’s harsh…
But something I could have seen my mom saying 😉
That wasn’t REALLY my Mom. I
That wasn’t REALLY my Mom. I was just saying that.
I hear Ethiopian is
I hear Ethiopian is Cheap.
(Least that’s what he said when I asked him how much!)
Thai is pretty reasonable
Thai is pretty reasonable too =^)
Yeah, fuck Lobster.
Yeah, fuck Lobster.
Well..that drawn butter is worth about FITY!
I still don’t get
I still don’t get it..
Thank you 🙂
Thank you 🙂
I’m really NOT dumb, just slow sometimes 😉
OK well, it’s one of these
OK well, it’s one of these jokes that’s funny partly because of the mixed metaphor. Having a date with destiny is a cliché about a portentous struggle about to take place, and then he plays on the word “date” by bringing in something that might happen on a date with a woman.
OK, so it’s a bad idea to take a date anywhere you can’t afford, but OK it’s a blind date, so one presumes it’s the first date, and she orders the most expensive item on the menu. This might indicate that she likes lobster, but it could also indicate that she’s out to get whatever she can from you.
Yes, this presumes a sexist scenario where the man is responsible for paying the bills. This is not an entirely inaccurate presumption, especially in the early stages of a relationship before boundries are drawn about money.
You did a much better job of
You did a much better job of explaining it than I did.
How do you KNOW it wasn’t
How do you KNOW it wasn’t your mom?
He explained it first!
He explained it first! 😉
But thank you — now I understand, though if I had seen the movie, it prolly would have gone right over my head. Strange really, cause usually I’m good a picking those things out!
Not at all!, Thank you for
Not at all!, Thank you for taking the time ‑smiles-
You were far from condescending, and even if you were, I’d just tell you off and then move on
yeah, that was a cool movie.
yeah, that was a cool movie. So many movies-based-on-comics are an exercise in showing up so that they don’t take my Comic Geek Local 242 Union card away. But that one was a joy.
Maybe I’ll rent it or buy it or somethng. I’d like to see it again.
Anonymous posts.… well, this is an exception, but I’ve been thinking about disallowing them too. I’ve gotten some nasty ones, including what I think was an irate husband who threatened my life.
oh, good. 🙂
oh, good. 🙂
OK, cool. 🙂
OK, cool. 🙂
1) IP address logging is on
1) IP address logging is on for anonymous posts.
2) I posted that anonymously myself, trying to be funny.
now I’m the one that sounded
now I’m the one that sounded condescending! Funny how things happen.. 🙂
-Skampers off-
Nah, she tolerates
Nah, she tolerates ’em…
She’s put up with me for a couple of months now 😉
But — sometimes, people
But — sometimes, people purposely “see” things in others they choose not to see in themselves, I.E. a scape goat. Maybe you aren’t condescending at all, and those that have told you otherwise, are refusing to see that they are the ones with the issues, not you. 🙂
Perhaps it isn’t you that has to work on the trait, but everyone else needs to adjust to you ‑smiles and takes over Splicers LJ with a mutany gleam in her eye- hehe
Damn computer savvy guys! I
Damn computer savvy guys! I knew that was your humor. Why? Because I laughed. 🙂
So no threats on your life
So no threats on your life from me then? Even anonnonononononymous ones?
Dude, did you think you’d get so much dialog from that cute lil post? You just got me jonesin for drawn butter and a bib.
I’ll wear a bib, you bring the.…?
And comic books…well…I BE SUPERWOMAN! 🙂
Yeah! Everyone else has the
Yeah! Everyone else has the problem!
Seriously though, you make a good point. It could be true either way. Definitely something for me to think about.
Very good, Grasshopper.. you
Very good, Grasshopper.. you have learned lesson #1
Pssst. Don’t buy it.
Pssst. Don’t buy it.
*checks off another person on her xmas list*
I don’t know why I’d receive
I don’t know why I’d receive threats from you, but no, this was a couple years back:
And I’m really certain it was NOT her husband. Her husband is a really sweet guy. But that’s when I turned IP logging on.
No! I never expected all this dialogue! It’s great! Like having a party in my living room! Except I’m at work! And I don’t have to clean up!
Haven’t seen it, but don’t
Haven’t seen it, but don’t tell anyone, because I don’t want to have my union card taken away. I’ve been meaning to see it. Really!
Anonymous posts: http://www.livejournal.com/users/splicer/53694.html there I have to admit I brought it down on myself. I was not my normal happy-go-lucky self that day.
Comicbook is a good treatment. Maybe I’ll take that up. I’ve been using comix, but that’s kinda pretentious.
Jacob reads comicbooks?
Jacob reads comicbooks? HEY!
All this time and I never knew.
You think you know someone and then all of a sudden you find out more about them. *sigh*
Y’all are welcome to take
Y’all are welcome to take over my database quota with your posts any time you like. I enjoy playing host like this.
Hors d’oeurves, anyone?
Glad I got a chuckle out of
Glad I got a chuckle out of you.
OK, I’m just going to come
OK, I’m just going to come out and admit it here: I’m finding the juxtaposition of the words “fuck lobster” and your avatar to be pretty damn disturbing.
You make ’em 😛
You make ’em 😛
THAT one was your mom.
THAT one was your mom.
Mr. Splice
Sometimes, when
Mr. Splice
Sometimes, when destiny is especially petulant, she orders the steak and lobster combo. Careful.
ps-You are friended.
[as long as they
[as long as they aren’t the fishy ones — those are gross 😉 ]
and you miss insatiable, I
and you miss insatiable, I have been trying to get on your friends list for awhile now, poking around trying to leave comments, but you banned them from non friends, so I am asking you here, publically like a little purposal. Would you please friend me? I know it is obsequious and fawning and such but.……still.….
Dude, you are slow. LOL!
Dude, you are slow. LOL!
That’s a cool movie.
Anonymous posts like that are exactly why I dissallow anonymous posts. Let the cowards go somewhere else, like your LJ. 🙂
Well, blind-dates can be
Well, blind-dates can be rough, right? Because you never know what you’re getting into. Now, if you’ve got a date with destiny, that might be a good thing, but a blind-date with destiny could be a bad thing. If destiny orders lobster, it’s also going to cost you. So, a blind-date with destiny, where destiny orders the lobster, is probably not going to be a good thing.
I re-read my comment and was
I re-read my comment and was afraid that I might have just confused you more or that I sounded like a condescending prick…or both. 🙂 I’m glad I helped clear the joke up for you, even if I did sound like a condescending prick.
On the anonymous posts -
On the anonymous posts — YIKES!
RE: Comicbook movies (I spell comicbook like Stan Lee does, because I’m an uber-geek) — Have you seen Comic Book Villains? I really liked that flick.
Most of what I say is quite
Most of what I say is quite distrubing. 🙂
🙂 Not at all. You just
🙂 Not at all. You just don’t tolerate condescending pricks.
You may end up telling me off eventually, because as hard as I try to not condescend, I’ve been told by a couple people recently that I can be condescending. It’s interesting how sometimes the traits we abhore in others can be found within ourselves. But I’m working on it…
yeah sure. Just add me and
yeah sure. Just add me and I’ll add you back.
oh, and who are you and if
oh, and who are you and if you’ve tried adding me as a friend, why didn’t I know about such things?
You are such a condescending
You are such a condescending prick, Jacob. And you read comicbooks for chrissakes!
or at least a chat room. I
or at least a chat room. I haven’t seen a topic blow up like this since Gorgonzola asked his friends list “What do you hate?”
LALALALALALALA fingers in my
(ignoring you so that it can be a surprise)
(I might make you watch it with me)
*never get to the
*never get to the end*