OK, now I get it.

I just peeked in to look at the menu of a restau­rant near where I work. It had a num­ber of items:

This: $18.00
That: $22.00
The Oth­er: $30.00

and notably:

Lob­ster: $54.00

Which means I final­ly get the joke from Mys­tery Men:

We’ve got a blind date with Destiny—and it looks like she’s ordered the lobster

Yeah, I’m pret­ty slow.

50 Replies to “OK, now I get it.”

  1. OK well, it’s one of these
    OK well, it’s one of these jokes that’s fun­ny part­ly because of the mixed metaphor. Hav­ing a date with des­tiny is a cliché about a por­ten­tous strug­gle about to take place, and then he plays on the word “date” by bring­ing in some­thing that might hap­pen on a date with a woman.

    OK, so it’s a bad idea to take a date any­where you can’t afford, but OK it’s a blind date, so one pre­sumes it’s the first date, and she orders the most expen­sive item on the menu. This might indi­cate that she likes lob­ster, but it could also indi­cate that she’s out to get what­ev­er she can from you.

    Yes, this pre­sumes a sex­ist sce­nario where the man is respon­si­ble for pay­ing the bills. This is not an entire­ly inac­cu­rate pre­sump­tion, espe­cial­ly in the ear­ly stages of a rela­tion­ship before bound­ries are drawn about money.

  2. He explained it first!
    He explained it first! 😉


    But thank you — now I under­stand, though if I had seen the movie, it pro­l­ly would have gone right over my head. Strange real­ly, cause usu­al­ly I’m good a pick­ing those things out!

  3. yeah, that was a cool movie.
    yeah, that was a cool movie. So many movies-based-on-comics are an exer­cise in show­ing up so that they don’t take my Com­ic Geek Local 242 Union card away. But that one was a joy.

    Maybe I’ll rent it or buy it or someth­ng. I’d like to see it again.

    Anony­mous posts.… well, this is an excep­tion, but I’ve been think­ing about dis­al­low­ing them too. I’ve got­ten some nasty ones, includ­ing what I think was an irate hus­band who threat­ened my life.

  4. But — some­times, peo­ple
    But — some­times, peo­ple pur­pose­ly “see” things in oth­ers they choose not to see in them­selves, I.E. a scape goat. Maybe you aren’t con­de­scend­ing at all, and those that have told you oth­er­wise, are refus­ing to see that they are the ones with the issues, not you. 🙂

    Per­haps it isn’t you that has to work on the trait, but every­one else needs to adjust to you ‑smiles and takes over Splicers LJ with a mutany gleam in her eye- hehe

  5. So no threats on your life
    So no threats on your life from me then? Even anon­nononononony­mous ones?

    Dude, did you think you’d get so much dia­log from that cute lil post? You just got me jonesin for drawn but­ter and a bib. 

    I’ll wear a bib, you bring the.…?

    And com­ic books…well…I BE SUPERWOMAN! 🙂

  6. I don’t know why I’d receive
    I don’t know why I’d receive threats from you, but no, this was a cou­ple years back:


    And I’m real­ly cer­tain it was NOT her hus­band. Her hus­band is a real­ly sweet guy. But that’s when I turned IP log­ging on.

    No! I nev­er expect­ed all this dia­logue! It’s great! Like hav­ing a par­ty in my liv­ing room! Except I’m at work! And I don’t have to clean up!

  7. Haven’t seen it, but don’t
    Haven’t seen it, but don’t tell any­one, because I don’t want to have my union card tak­en away. I’ve been mean­ing to see it. Really!

    Anony­mous posts: http://www.livejournal.com/users/splicer/53694.html there I have to admit I brought it down on myself. I was not my nor­mal hap­py-go-lucky self that day.

    Comic­book is a good treat­ment. Maybe I’ll take that up. I’ve been using comix, but that’s kin­da pretentious.

  8. Jacob reads comic­books?
    Jacob reads comic­books? HEY!

    All this time and I nev­er knew. 

    You think you know some­one and then all of a sud­den you find out more about them. *sigh*


  9. Y’all are wel­come to take
    Y’all are wel­come to take over my data­base quo­ta with your posts any time you like. I enjoy play­ing host like this.

    Hors d’oeurves, anyone?

  10. OK, I’m just going to come
    OK, I’m just going to come out and admit it here: I’m find­ing the jux­ta­po­si­tion of the words “fuck lob­ster” and your avatar to be pret­ty damn disturbing.

  11. and you miss insa­tiable, I
    and you miss insa­tiable, I have been try­ing to get on your friends list for awhile now, pok­ing around try­ing to leave com­ments, but you banned them from non friends, so I am ask­ing you here, pub­li­cal­ly like a lit­tle pur­pos­al. Would you please friend me? I know it is obse­quious and fawn­ing and such but.……still.….

  12. Dude, you are slow. LOL!
    Dude, you are slow. LOL! 

    That’s a cool movie. 

    Anony­mous posts like that are exact­ly why I dissal­low anony­mous posts. Let the cow­ards go some­where else, like your LJ. 🙂

  13. Well, blind-dates can be
    Well, blind-dates can be rough, right? Because you nev­er know what you’re get­ting into. Now, if you’ve got a date with des­tiny, that might be a good thing, but a blind-date with des­tiny could be a bad thing. If des­tiny orders lob­ster, it’s also going to cost you. So, a blind-date with des­tiny, where des­tiny orders the lob­ster, is prob­a­bly not going to be a good thing.

  14. I re-read my com­ment and was
    I re-read my com­ment and was afraid that I might have just con­fused you more or that I sound­ed like a con­de­scend­ing prick…or both. 🙂 I’m glad I helped clear the joke up for you, even if I did sound like a con­de­scend­ing prick.

  15. On the anony­mous posts -
    On the anony­mous posts — YIKES! 

    RE: Comic­book movies (I spell comic­book like Stan Lee does, because I’m an uber-geek) — Have you seen Com­ic Book Vil­lains? I real­ly liked that flick.

  16. 🙂 Not at all. You just
    🙂 Not at all. You just don’t tol­er­ate con­de­scend­ing pricks. 

    You may end up telling me off even­tu­al­ly, because as hard as I try to not con­de­scend, I’ve been told by a cou­ple peo­ple recent­ly that I can be con­de­scend­ing. It’s inter­est­ing how some­times the traits we abhore in oth­ers can be found with­in our­selves. But I’m work­ing on it…

  17. LALALALALALALA fin­gers in my

    (ignor­ing you so that it can be a surprise)

    (I might make you watch it with me)

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