Service request sent to Apple iTunes tonight

Nev­er received one song from my order. I had ordered the album “Some­thin’ Else” by Art Blake­ly, Can­non­ball, Adder­ly, etc. I received an error mes­sage to the effect that the down­load had been inter­rupt­ed and that I would get the remain­der if I select­ed “check for pur­chased music” from the “advanced” menu. All of the songs are com­plete, except for the final song “Ban­goon” which nev­er appeared on my machine. 

Since it took sev­er­al days for me to get the receipt (for what rea­son I don’t know) I assumed that there was some sys­tems glitch that need­ed to be cor­rect­ed and that it would work itself out. When I did see the receipt, I found that I had in fact been charged for the whole album and still got noth­ing when I checked for pur­chased music.

I’d very much like to receive the song “Ban­goon” which has been paid for, and I hope that you’ll take appro­pri­ate action to cor­rect the situation.

Thank you very much,

Steve Scot­ten

I don’t expect any­one to be per­fect, just to cor­rect their mis­takes. It’s about 9:40 PM on the West Coast, and Apple iTunes Sup­port claims 24 hour turn­around for these sorts of sup­port inquiries. Lets see how they do.

2 Replies to “Service request sent to Apple iTunes tonight”

  1. Yeah, iTunes is dig­i­tal
    Yeah, iTunes is dig­i­tal music final­ly done right. I like it even bet­ter than WinAmp. And the iTunes Store? They do pret­ty well by me. I’m pret­ty impressed with their selec­tion and the inter­face is good. They’re not ready to con­vert me entire­ly from the CD store, but I end up get­ting a bunch of stuff there.

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