Dreaming is free…

Got some cheap enter­tain­ment last night. In my dream, I went to a par­ty thrown by Mis­ter Bad and Majnoona. I did­n’t know any­one at the par­ty and I spent the time there resent­ful and jeal­ous as I exam­ined the floors and rooms of their new home (a place that to my knowl­edge exists only in this dream).

I don’t recall leav­ing the par­ty, but I soon arrived to vis­it my father. He had a nice par­cel of land on the shore of a lake, and also a boat of some sort, but the house was unfin­ished. Some rooms were dec­o­rat­ed lav­ish­ly while oth­ers had exposed studs with­out walls.

The ceil­ings were high, and it was to be a mag­nif­i­cent house, but there was one prob­lem: vampires.

I spent the rest of the dream chas­ing vam­pires around my father’s unfin­ished man­sion. Of course, I spent a great deal of time just run­ning for my life. I found some bar­beque skew­ers that I tried to use as stakes, but they weren’t strong enough to pen­e­trate and did­n’t kill the vampires.

OK, so a Freudi­an would have a field day with this, right? First there’s the fact that I don’t even have a house of my own in this dream. The two hous­es are the well-fur­nished and lux­u­ri­ous house of my friend, of whom I’m jeal­ous, and my father’s house, which might be even bet­ter than Mis­ter Bad’s, but it’s still not even my house, it’s incom­plete and unfin­ished, and it’s infest­ed with hos­tile blood­suck­ing undead.

OK, and then there’s the inad­e­quate phal­lic weapon that fails to either kill or fright­en the demons. Don’t even go there. Sheesh!

Oh, and one more inter­est­ing thing to note: my sub­con­scious assumes that any par­ty I’m invit­ed to will be com­prised only of strangers.

Or, you know, maybe it’s sim­pler than all this. Maybe the dream is only about going to din­ner with euthymia tonight instead of watch­ing vam­pire TV with dracunculus.

Yeah, right.


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