Tehran is the capital of.…
4.0 miles in 37:21 on real outdoor pavement, not the treadmill. That’s the farthest I’ve ever run outdoors. I was thinking about going for the fifth lap to make it five miles, but after my pace dropped dramatically in the fourth mile after running three steady 8:45 miles, so I figured that was a good sign that it was about time to call it a day.
I’m a little concerned because I feel like I’m going so damn slow, and yet my heart rate is through the roof. I did almost 40 minutes of activity at right around 190bpm. That’s way too high, isn’t it?
I also swam 225 meters in 10 minutes. Don’t anyone drown near me, OK? I’m the wrong guy to come rescue you.
I gots blisters on my arches. And my legs hurt so I can barely walk. I guess today was a good day.
Congrats! I’ve been running
Congrats! I’ve been running for over a year, and I’m lucky if I break 10 minute miles. Slow is subjective. 🙂
190bpm is probably out of your cardio zone. Find a bpm chart somewhere and find out what your zone is.
Well, there’s a lot more of
Well, there’s a lot more of you to move. You’re in better shape than I am, but you’re what? Two feet taller? You’re also doing longer runs. If I’d gone a fifth and a sixth mile they could well have brought my average speed way down.
And yeah, if I remember my heartrate charts and formulae correctly, 190bpm should not be “x% of max”… I think it *is* my max.
Looking forward to getting a couple of runs in along the Embarcadero this week. Just have to get up early enough!
Steve, The only training
Steve, The only training info I have at my fingertips is for biking. It says to train for endurance, train primarily at 60 – 70% of max, for power, train at 70 – 80%. That’s based on the old rule of 220-your age= max hearterate. (females add 6)
Slow down and listen to your body. You’ll probably get into condition faster and be running back-to-back four minute miles (or kms) without risk of cardiac explosion.