Unofficial time: 1:37:15

I think the offi­cial time will be just under two hours. I start­ed my stop­watch when I crossed the start­ing line. The offi­cials start­ed their watch­es when I was about four blocks away from the start­ing line. ham­mer­head and I ran the whole way togeth­er, so his time is the same. It’s nice run­ning with some­one; I usu­al­ly run by myself. The 7.5 miles went by real­ly quick­ly. It was a ton of fun and check­ing out all the peo­ple in cos­tumes (and those with­out any cos­tumes) was great.

Hayes Street Hill was­n’t as much of a chal­lenge as I feared. Of course, it’s easy to keep a rea­son­able pace when there are peo­ple in front of you. Espe­cial­ly when the peo­ple out front slow­ing you down look so nice from behind. ahem

Any­way, I’ve nev­er real­ly been much of a “join­er” but I’m real­ly enjoy­ing active­ly tak­ing part in some of the things that my City has to offer. I mean no offense to New York­ers, specif­i­cal­ly wil­hem­i­na who recent­ly expressed that she lives in the best city in the world. I respect­ful­ly dis­agree. San Fran­cis­co is the best city I’ve ever been to. It’s real­ly easy to be jad­ed and avoid all the cool things about this town, but when­ev­er I get out and take part in it and join the stream of life, I love it and get so much out of it.

So let this serve as a note to self: have more fun.

Duden (Talvin Singh Remix)—Nat­acha Atlas

2 Replies to “Unofficial time: 1:37:15

  1. I’m entire­ly amazed by how
    I’m entire­ly amazed by how much more fun run­ning is with some­one else. Grant­ed, this was with 60,000 oth­er peo­ple, many of whom were in cos­tume and danc­ing and stuff, but just hav­ing one oth­er per­son to talk to made a huge dif­fer­ence in con­trast to run­ning by myself lis­ten­ing to the iPod.

    Of course, I don’t know why that sur­pris­es me at all, con­sid­er­ing all the oth­er things that are bet­ter to do with some­one else.… =^)

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