3 miles, 24 minutes
Inspired by Hammerhead’s example, I’ve started incrementing the time I’ve been running on the treadmill up from 25 minutes to 30. I ran 35 minutes a few days ago, but I don’t like to do more than 30 at the gym when it’s crowded and there are people waiting to get on the machines.
My first goal was to hit 3 miles in 25 minutes, and I achieved that goal a couple weeks ago. Yesterday I made my second goal, which was 3 miles in 24 minutes. Three eight-minute miles. Hooray!
So now it’s time for another goal. I’m thinking that four miles in 30 minutes is a good target to aim at. It’s fairly ambitious compared to where I am right now; it means I’ll have to run four 7.5 minute miles. But that also means it’ll feel really good to make the goal. This last one didn’t seem all that earth-shattering.
Today at work is really messed up. The printers I work with have been having mechanical difficulties, and there’s all kinds of pressure to do things that we just can’t get done. As much as I like some o this technology, I don’t like being reliant on technology that’s more complicated than I can fix.
I recall how much pride I used to take in caring for my pens. I have a set of Rapidographs that I used to use for a lot of illustration work. They are good pens, but they do need to be cleaned and cared for. I enjoyed the process of making sure that my pens were well-maintained.
These printers are another story. Every bit I can learn about how they work, I still remain way over my head and dependant on technicians to fix problems when something goes wrong. And I am the one responsible for making sure that everything goes right. Basically, I am responsible for outcomes that are outside my control and I don’t like that one bit.
My supervisor is back from vacation, so if I get a commitment from one of my clients for me to do some work, then I can put in my notice. I was really uncomfortable with the idea of putting in notice while my supervisor and also the president of the company were out of the country. I’d still rather that the president of the company was back before I give notice, but ultimately, I have to let the offers coming my way determine the timing.
Hopefully I’ll be able to make it to my meditation group tonight. I hate missing it, and mostly I hate it because I’m not good enough about drawing boundries at work and therefore end up staying here way too late.
Gotta get out of this place.