Mysterious Ways?

OK, so if I were meant to fly, God would have giv­en me wings, right?

And if God had want­ed me to be attrac­tive, healthy, and ath­let­ic, He would have pro­vid­ed me with the means to afford run­ning shoes and shorts, and three bicy­cles and would let me live in a beau­ti­ful city with a nice cli­mate, full of oth­er run­ners and cyclists to keep me company.

I guess I just have to wait, huh?


3 Replies to “Mysterious Ways?”

  1. And if God had want­ed me to
    And if God had want­ed me to be attrac­tive, healthy, and ath­let­ic, He would have pro­vid­ed me with the means to afford bik­ing shoes and shorts, and three bicy­cles and would let me live in a beau­ti­ful state with a nice cli­mate, with lots of desert­ed back roads to cycle in peace.

    I guess I don’t have to wait, do I? So what excuse do I have? (I did ride 52 miles today.) At least I am healthy. If you can only have one of the three, that’s the one I want, and the one I most wish for you.


  2. All right, from a bicy­cling
    All right, from a bicy­cling stand­point, your state prob­a­bly trumps my city. Yes­ter­day though, I did ride like I used to in New Eng­land. Head­ed out and explored a lit­tle bit, took some roads I’d nev­er been on and a cou­ple of hills I had­n’t tried, and I stopped to get a smooth­ie and lat­er for lunch. I only did 22.5 miles yes­ter­day, but I actu­al­ly had a fun day of put­ter­ing around the City instead of just head­ing out and rid­ing a pre­de­ter­mined loop.

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