So it begins.…

I packed my first box today. I’m a bit wor­ried about this move. I have a lot of work to do to be ready for it, and I’ve only a few week­ends between now and the move-in date. It’s becom­ing clear that there is no way I can fit all my stuff fill­ing up this one-bed­room apart­ment into my sin­gle bed­room. I’m going to have to get rid of some of this stuff.

Ulti­mate­ly, that’s a good thing. There’s no rea­son for me to be lug­ging around all this crap that I haven’t used in years. Like the mil­i­tary-issue 16mm pro­jec­tor that’s not rigged for sound? It only weighs about 40 lbs… hoo-boy. Some­where along the line I learned to col­lect but not to let go.

And of course some of these books should go, some are trea­sured pos­ses­sions and oth­ers are just junk, and oth­ers are good books that I have no desire to reread.

It’s ear­ly enough that I can do some sort­ing instead of just throw­ing every­thing into a box and hop­ing for the best. The more I sort out, the better.

Oh, and nev­er mind all the com­put­ers. Hoo-boy. I don’t even have all that many, but still.

Then The Night Comes—Bil­ly Idol

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