MoYay! (Moving yay!)

So check this: my deposit is paid and so is my rent for July. I can move in as ear­ly as the 5th, except I won’t even try mov­ing until next week­end. Still have a lot of pack­ing to do, and a whole lot of logis­tics. I’ll prob­a­bly bring some per­son­al items over through the week, but I’m not going to try to real­ly move any­thing until Saturday.

Accord­ing to rumor, the land­lord build a clos­et in the room that will be mine today. If true then my room will legal­ly be a bed­room, and not just a “study.” My phone ser­vice is going in on Tues­day and I have to be there because no one knows what the deal is with lines and jacks at the loca­tion. no prob­lem. I spent five hours at the office today putting out fires, so I can take Tues­day after­noon off with­out any loss of pay. Already ran that one past the boss.

So. Don’t even think I haven’t noticed the humor here: a het­ero moves in to the Cas­tro dis­trict, so they build a clos­et for him.

Very con­sid­er­ate of them. Heh.

Tonight I did what may very well be the last load of laun­dry in the laun­dro­mat across the street from me. Good riddance.

My Fog­gy Notion—Auf Der Maur

4 Replies to “MoYay! (Moving yay!)”

  1. I’m about a block from the
    I’m about a block from the Ran­dall muse­um, so yeah. I’m in Coro­na Heights, def­i­nite­ly. But just a block away in anoth­er direc­tion you have 15th and Beaver, which most peo­ple I think would say is “in the Cas­tro” and then anoth­er block down the hill is Cas­tro and 15th, which is almost cer­tain­ly “The ‘Stro”. Since even long-term SF res­i­dents give me weird looks when i say I’m mov­ing to Coro­na Heights, I’m final­ly just giv­ing up and say­ing I’m mov­ing to the Cas­tro, so peo­ple have some idea with­out me hav­ing to explain further.

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