Go Lance, Go!

Fly­ing Jet­Blue to my Run­Hit­Won­der 10K I get to watch TV, and the flight just hap­pened to coin­cide with the cov­er­age of the Tour de France Stage 17. I won’t spoil the results or details for those of you who are wait­ing to see it on Tivo, but Lance kicked some seri­ous ass, both with some of the moves he made and the moves he did­n’t. It was a great stage.

Of course, this evening I’m not going to have the team sup­port that Lance has, so I’m going to have to go out and make a show­ing as best as I can. 10K is a dis­tance I’m pret­ty com­fort­able with, but since this is a com­pe­ti­tion event I want to push hard­er than usu­al. That’s tough, because I usu­al­ly run pret­ty hot as far as my heartrate is con­cerned, so I’ll have to keep a close eye on my heartrate.

Most­ly, though, I just have to go out there and try to make a good show of it. I’d real­ly like to do the 10K in under an hour, but of course the whole point will be just to fin­ish. It won’t do any good to burn out and have to stop.

I’m com­ing back after a bit of time with­out run­ning. I’ve been so busy with my move that I haven’t got­ten out to run in a week and a half. This is not good, but I’ve found that a rest like that can real­ly be good when I come back. I’ve been walk­ing hills just to get home and I’ve been car­ry­ing a lot of heavy box­es. When I brought my rac­ing bike over to the new apart­ment, I went up over O’Shaugh­nessy to Por­to­la despite the rac­ing bike’s aggres­sive gear­ing and found the climb to be easy.

I’ve been push­ing myself hard for the last week and a half despite not run­ning, and I feel strong. I did­n’t get much sleep, so hope­ful­ly I can get a lit­tle more rest before we land. I’ll need to get some fuel, too. I don’t think they’re feed­ing us any­thing oth­er than blue pota­to chips.

I’ve got my LIVESTRONG band on my left wrist, and after watch­ing Lance today I’m psy­ched. So it’s time, to steal a riff from Hen­ry Rollins, to align my body with my mind.

It’s hero time.

Every­one pull for me, ‘k?

4 Replies to “Go Lance, Go!”

  1. Cen­tral park is a great
    Cen­tral park is a great course, some hills, love­ly env­iorn­ment over­all. You don’t know how envi­ous I am! Make sure you get enough flu­ids, it’s hot­ter than a mofo out today 🙁

  2. Well, I moved pret­ty far
    Well, I moved pret­ty far across town, so my trip from the old place to the new cov­ered a lot that’s not real­ly close to me. I’m pret­ty close to the Cas­tro now, pret­ty far down­hill from where Por­to­la and O’Shaugh­nessy meet. It’s real nice up there, though. And so are parts of Gold­en Gate. I assume you mean Gold­en Gate Ave? I used to live at Gold­en Gate and Mason­ic. It was a nice place, near USF.

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