Two more days!
Thursday is my last day at work. I’m getting pretty excited about leaving the workaday world, and I’ve been starting to get real bad about getting to sleep at a reasonable hour. Last night, or very early in the morning we had a power outage here, and I used that as an excuse for my oversleeping, although the real reason is that I went to see Jurassic Park III at the Metreon on the IMAX screen. It was pretty fun, although it lacked imagination. Then when I came home I started writing an email that I didn’t finish (and got erased when the power went out – doh!) and I ended up with about four hours sleep even with sleeping late and showing up for work almost two hours after I should have.
Today I took a long lunch and went off to meet with a client. My bicycle gets me from place to place faster than a taxi, but I was pretty sweaty and gross by the time I got to the client’s site.
That was a trip too. The person who recommended me to this client is someone I used to work with a few years ago when I was contracting before I went full-time at Outlook. She used to run a women’s sportswear site and now she’s married and very pregnant. Meaning very far along, of course; I know that pregnant is a toggle state, an either-or proposition. I really enjoyed her telling me how good I look. She used the word “fit,” and since she (at least used to) hangs out with triathletes and other very active people, I was extrememly flattered by her telling me how fit I look. Woo!
My weight is down to where it was when I quit smoking – maybe less. Yesterday I went and bought clothes that fit me, and that was a treat. I haven’t worn a size 32 waist since I don’t even know when, and I’m wearing them now. This time last summer I was wearing a size 38 waist.
The next few days will be really interesting and challenging. I have to hang in there at work and get through the next two days. I really don’t want to take a “fuck it” attitude. I’d much rather be there as present as I can be for the next two days. The trouble is that there’s jsut so much going on in my life, and it’s easy for me to let the things that are more important take priority.
Ultimately, it’s right that the most important things should take priority. So I don’t know what I’m talking about. I certainly think I did the right thing meeting with the client at noontime versus putting it off farther. I mean who is going to have more impact on my livelihood, the new client or the old job I’ve already quit?
Tomorrow (today already! I mean Wednesday) after work I’m going into jail to do some outreach and keep myself sober another day. I don’t think I need to describe just how intense that is in my mind. I’ve never been inside before, and I don’t know what to expect, so I just gotta ride it out. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to write out what it was like tomorrow night afterward.
Then Thursday will be my last day at DPI, and I’ll have to pack Thursday night because I’ll be leaving at 6am Friday morning to go spend four days at the Tassajara monastery.
Then Tuesday I start up as a consultant again. I’m excited about it, and I think that the right description is “appropriately terrified.” Well, at least I can say I’m not too afraid to make my own mistakes.
I guess that’s enough for right now. I guess the question on my mind is: should I shave my head before I go out to the monastery? It would kind of be a kick to go in to work tomorrow with a shiny-bald head.
No, actually I’ll at least wait until after I get back from jail. And maybe I should just get a really short haircut instead of shaving it. Or maybe I should do anything other than pretending that typing about my indecision is going to help me arrive at a decision. In the end, I’ll either have the urge to do it or I won’t. So there.
Gotta get some sleep now. Up way too late again.