Tri, tri again

Dra­cun­cu­lus recent­ly gave me the advice to find a social cir­cle where I can climb to the top and attract the female of the species with my dom­i­nant social sta­tus and power.

Well, just to be ornery, I’m join­ing the Gold­en Gate Triathlon Club. I showed up for the meet­ing tonight and there were some tru­ly gor­geous women there. I am WAY out of my class.

Of course, the pur­pose of being a mem­ber of this club is to get sup­port and help train­ing for an event that, in the process, should make me stronger and fit­ter and faster and per­haps will increase my abil­i­ty to com­pete in oth­er social cir­cles. But there’s no two ways about this: I’m start­ing out here at the bot­tom of the heap. I’m out of shape and undis­ci­plined and have yet to par­tic­i­pate in my first triathlon. This is not what was sug­gest­ed to me.

OK, I need a wet­suit. Tomor­row: 7pm track run. No time like right away, is there?

I’m Your Man—Leonard Cohen

7 Replies to “Tri, tri again”

  1. that’s actu­al­ly the best
    that’s actu­al­ly the best advice I’ve heard in a long time.
    that breaks it down.
    no mat­ter what, that’s how every­one ends up meet­ing anyone…

  2. Which is the good advice? To
    Which is the good advice? To find an easy social cir­cle to dom­i­nate or to jump in to the social cir­cle where mak­ing a notice­able achieve­ment is a mon­u­men­tal task?

    I guess the sneaky thing would be for me to not both­er try­ing to win (or even run!) any races, just get involved in vol­un­teer­ing and orga­ni­za­tion and be a “leader” with­out any qualifications.

    Which is sort of what I do with that oth­er social orga­ni­za­tion of which you and I are both mem­bers, and that has­n’t real­ly got­ten me any play. BUT MAYBE IT’LL BE DIFFERENT THIS TIME. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  3. LOL
    Good advice, not an easy


    Good advice, not an easy social cirlce, not an impos­si­ble one, but some­thing in between, slight­ly chal­leng­ing perhaps.
    it’s true that that’s how men attract women, become notable with­in a cer­tain cir­cle, I guess it’s called Darwinism…

    as far as the “oth­er social cir­cle”. I always thought you should get far more play there!
    but maybe you object to the 13th step.

  4. Well, yeah. Me > 8yrs
    Well, yeah. Me > 8yrs does­n’t date she 366 days (or 367 because this is a leap year!) Beyond that, I’m into the idea. I guess it depends on how you define the 13th. I total­ly buy the idea that some peo­ple are cool to be in rela­tion­ships in their first year, but I don’t buy into the idea that I know who they are. And if I would­n’t rec­om­mend to a male friend that he get into a rela­tion­ship in the first year, I should­n’t rec­om­mend that to female friends. AND I hope that I can treat the peo­ple I sleep with or date at least as well as I would treat an ordi­nary friend, so it just seems like a prac­tice I should stay away from. Heh. Maybe I’m over­think­ing this, tho. =^) As far as the GGTC is con­cerned, I think I just need to become vis­i­ble and active, focus on my own goals and maybe after I’ve done a tri or two, maybe THEN wor­ry about try­ing to be help­ful in orga­ni­za­tion. Plot­ting my way to the Top of the Heap on my first day as a GGTC mem­ber is prob­a­bly premature… 

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