At sitting tonight I sat at my zafu and immediately started to sob. I was faced with a n overwhelming sense that I was in the middle of something much bigger than I am. I felt that here I am protected, and maybe I’m able to see myself in this refuge. I have the opportunity to take refuge here in Sangha in a way I’ve never been able To before. yet I’m frightened of this opportunity to take refuge. It seems as though I am afraid of what taking refuge means that I can’t do it myself, That I have to ask for help.
My ego wants me to handle life. My ego wants me to believe that I am powerful over the things that happen in my life. I want to believe that I am powerfud over people places, and things. It’s just plain denial to believe that, though. So I want to not take refuge. I resist taking refuge. I guess the tears I cried tonight were from recognizing my surrender.
I’m pretty calm now. I was pretty nervous when I arrived here at Tassajara this afternoon. Wasn’t able to eat much at the lunch dining period. But it helps so much to be with people I know. Having Taigen here, and this evening having Adrian show me what to do during the zazen period was a great comfort. It reminds me of when I was in The Fall of the House of Usher and just having Dave there on stage made my performance better. It was so clear that Dave knew what he was doing that his confidence and demeanor rubbed off on me. It was as though Dave was anchoring me on stage. Likewise, tonight Adrian was my guide and my anchor. Just with a couple gestures and a suggestion or two, Adrian helped me to see that here I am part of something far greater than I can be by myself. Maybe that’s why I was crying.
There is a mouse in our cabin. We (Doug and I) have named him Mouse Roshi.
Up at 5 am tomorrow. I must go to sleep so that I’ll be able to get up in the morning.
One More thing that I’m not happy about and want to acknowledge I don’t have the Money in my account for The check I wrote to Taigen to pay for this trip. Overdraft protection will cover the check, but that is unsecured debt. I get to start counting days of abstinence once again.