I don’t under­stand the pur­pose of an IDE.

I’ve been try­ing to work with Apple’s XCode and it seems like a capa­ble lit­tle text edi­tor with a whole lot of stuff attached that I have no idea what it does. I do most of my work in emacs or BBe­d­it. I have the feel­ing that XCode would make espres­so for me, if I had half a clue. And peo­ple I talk to, like Xris say they have been spoiled by IDEs. What do they do that will spoil me? Help!

3 Replies to “IDEs”

  1. The one real­ly sig­nif­i­cant
    The one real­ly sig­nif­i­cant advan­tage of an IDE over an edi­tor is to do the debug­ging — break­points and so on — right there in the source win­dows you were edit­ing in. The rest is minor.

  2. I’m hav­ing trou­ble imag­in­ing
    I’m hav­ing trou­ble imag­in­ing that…

    Some­times I sus­pect that I would have got­ten far­ther with tak­ing a CS or pro­gram­ming course at some point in my life instead of learn­ing to pro­gram by my dad say­ing “what? you want video games? here’s a BASIC inter­preter. Make your own.”

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