Moved too soon, I guess

Just to rub my nose in it, there is a 2BR avail­able in a build­ing I lived in back in col­lege. It’s a nice build­ing right on top of Nob Hill, and it used to be a rat-infest­ed fleatrap, but rumor has it that the own­er actu­al­ly lost the build­ing for repeat­ed code vio­la­tions. I always thought it could be real nice if they’d just fix it up a lit­tle bit and take a tiny bit of care, and from the out­side, it looks 1000% better.

$1700 for a 2BR; that’s out of my range to be in by myself, but I have a review com­ing up so who knows. The only real prob­lem is that I’m locked in to my lease for anoth­er ten months in my oh-so-fab­u­lous man­sion. So I’m halfway hop­ing that Bush gets elect­ed so the econ­o­my will still be in the shit­ter when I get out of my lease. If the econ­o­my gets stronger, the SF hous­ing mar­ket will become less renter-friend­ly. Let’s have recov­ery, but not for anoth­er 10 months, OK?

I guess things always take a lit­tle bit of time, so it’s prob­a­bly safe to elect Ker­ry. But if things get bet­ter and it becomes hard to find an apart­ment I’M BLAMING THE DEMOCRATS.

I keep on hav­ing Nash the Slash’s tune Cit­i­zen run through my head:

I don’t want a big house
That would split me in two
Don’t want to be captive
In some Xanadu
I don’t want a Rolls-Royce
A com­put­er will do
These rapid transitions
And a con­nec­tion to you.

In 1982, Nash was talk­ing about a com­put­er instead of a car, and “a con­nec­tion to you”… think maybe he was a BBSer?

Any­way, yeah, the big house is dri­ving me nuts.

10 Replies to “Moved too soon, I guess”

  1. With­out a doubt, Slash had
    With­out a doubt, Slash had to be a BBSer, or if not, he at least had some sort of involve­ment in the com­put­er underground. 

    There is a slight chance, we could be pro­ject­ing our own real­i­ty onto oth­ers whose work we admire. But some­how with Slash, Con­rad S., and all the oth­ers who have appeared in Matt Howarth comixs over the years. I would be com­plete­ly floored if there was­n’t a 1200 baud modem some­where in the mix.

  2. Well, for­tu­nate­ly there’s
    Well, for­tu­nate­ly there’s noth­ing that ris­es to the lev­el of Tru­ly Bad. But there are a cou­ple of issues that pre­vent it from (prob­a­bly ever) real­ly being home.

    There was a poignant moment when I vis­it­ed a friend last week­end at her apart­ment in the Ten­der­loin; it’s a tiny lit­tle stu­dio and she has her bed in a loft in the clos­et with her desk below. And I found myself jeal­ous of her place.

    My place is gor­geous, but I have trou­ble believ­ing it will ever real­ly be “my” place, if that makes any sense. It feels like liv­ing in a hotel, and the only part that’s real­ly mine is my room.

    Basi­cal­ly, any­where Ozzy can’t go while I’m not there isn’t home. I want­ed a place where Ozzy could explore a bit, but that got bait-and-switched on me.

    Fur­ther­more, the whole point of mov­ing was to decrease my com­mute time. That has­n’t hap­pened even a lit­tle. I’d real­ly rather be in that nice place I looked at on upper Polk.

    Any­way, Perse­po­lis 2!!!!!! oooh! Just what a Per­siaphile like me needs! Did I lend you the first one? I will if I haven’t.

  3. Con­rad seems to have been
    Con­rad seems to have been astound­ing­ly slow to get on to com­put­ers. He’s real ana­log synth and patch­ca­bles, and his web pres­ence looks like he’s total lud­dite. We know Matt is web-savvy nowa­days… but Nash is more into sequencers and dig­i­ta­lalia, so my guess is that he’s the most like­ly to have had a 300 baud modem in his past (1200 baud in 1982? I don’t think so).

    Do you remem­ber that my step­fa­ther ran a BBS on one of his CP/M‑based Osborne 2s? It was an Osborne/KayPro user group BBS if I recall… it’s fun­ny to think that I got some of the net in my blood from him, but yeah, there it is!

  4. No, and I would love to
    No, and I would love to bor­row it.

    I was think­ing wist­ful­ly about your pro­to-Bat­man fic yes­ter­day. I would love to read more of it. Let’s me get drunk and talk about Bat­man some­time soon.

  5. Well, I’ll have to write
    Well, I’ll have to write more of it. Sounds like a good plan.

    I was sort of sur­prised to think that I might have lent Perse­po­lis to you; it’s not that I don’t think you’d like it, but you seem to be more inter­est­ed in comix where peo­ple wear tights and fly around and stuff. But by all means, lets get you into the real good stuff. =^)

    I might just stop by Comix­Ex tonight. Mmmmmm!

  6. Hey, Steve! Don’t you read
    Hey, Steve! Don’t you read the news­pa­pers? The econ­o­my has been recov­er­ing for about two years now. Bush’s tax cuts seem to have made a dif­fer­ence. The mar­ket is up. Employ­ment is up. All the many mea­sures of a good econ­o­my are up.

    BTW, due to an expect­ed record turnout at the polls this year, they are ask­ing Repub­li­cans to vote on Tues­day and Democ­rats to vote on Wednesday.


  7. heh. that would be real­ly
    heh. that would be real­ly fun­ny — if it was­n’t a known, and used, strat­e­gy for vot­er intimidation.

    “- In 2002 in Louisiana, fly­ers were dis­trib­uted in African Amer­i­can com­mu­ni­ties telling vot­ers they could go to the polls on Tues­day, Decem­ber 10th – three days after a Sen­ate runoff elec­tion was actu­al­ly held.”

  8. It’s sim­ply being used to
    It’s sim­ply being used to counter the Demo­c­ra­t­ic “vote ear­ly and vote often” cam­paign. Light­en up. It’s a joke. Get it? 

    OTOH, I don’t want any­body that stu­pid at the polls any­way. (Yes, I know they have a right to be there.)


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