My apologies to the friends I spammed today

I signed up for a ser­vice that was offered on the web­site. For $3 per num­ber, this com­pa­ny said that they would send my split times and fin­ish­ing time to the cell­phones or email address­es I spec­i­fied. Now, in my mind, three dol­lars is a bit steep for send­ing out an email to an SMS gate­way, espe­cial­ly when I had to do the work of find­ing out the email address­es of my friends’ SMS email gate­ways. But it was all for some fun and I want­ed to be able to see the splits as I was run­ning, so I said “what the hell” and ponied up.

On race day, no mes­sages were sent. I checked with all the intend­ed recip­i­ents. No split times, no fin­ish times, noth­ing arrived to anyone.

That was dis­ap­point­ing, so Mon­day morn­ing I tried to get ahold of this com­pa­ny. Their only con­tact on their web­site was a web-based cus­tomer ser­vice form, with flow­ery lan­guage about how much they care about feed­back from their cus­tomers. The autore­spon­der said that the mes­sage I sent would nev­er be read by a human being, but direct­ed me to a list of FAQs and gave me some email address­es to try if I still felt the urge to com­mu­ni­cate with a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of their company.

Well, I want­ed my refund, so I emailed cus­tomer ser­vice describ­ing my prob­lem and my dis­sat­is­fac­tion. What I got back was a promise to look into what had happened.

This morn­ing at about 9:40, and then again at about 2:00 in the after­noon, each a full 48 hours after I fin­ished the race, every­one got mes­sages with the final results. I sent email back to cus­tomer ser­vice report­ing this, and I got back voice­mail explain­ing how it was the tim­ing com­pa­ny’s fault, that they had nev­er received the data from the com­pa­ny that does the tim­ing, and that it was­n’t their fault and that of course, they’d be hap­py to give me a refu… oops, I mean a cred­it. My ears perked up at this point as he described set­ting up com­pa­ny cred­it against future purchases.



A refund is what’s appro­pri­ate when you don’t deliv­er a prod­uct. Not a cred­it. I’m unlike­ly to ever do busi­ness with this com­pa­ny again, so what would I want a cred­it for?

Vent­ing here on my lit­tle blog is the first step. If this isn’t rec­ti­fied with­in the next 24 – 48 hours I’m going to start smear­ing this com­pa­ny where it actu­al­ly might hurt: I’m the mem­ber of one of the two major triathlon clubs in the Bay Area, and I attend meet­ings. I have a friend who sits on the board of direc­tors of the oth­er tri club. I attend runs put on by sev­er­al of the run­ning clubs in SF and I know folks in oth­er towns. I doubt that any­one will exact­ly be hor­ri­fied by this, but it’s the sort of sto­ry that under­mines con­fi­dence in an already unknown com­pa­ny offer­ing a gee-whiz ser­vice that no one real­ly needs.

Thanks for your email and your call.

I think I under­stand a lit­tle bet­ter how this works. I can appre­ci­ate your posi­tion, that your upstream provider did­n’t give the data to your com­pa­ny in a time­ly fash­ion and so you were unable to deliv­er the infor­ma­tion prod­uct that you were paid to provide.

How­ev­er, under­stand­ing this does not make it my prob­lem. If you had an agree­ment with the tim­ing com­pa­ny, recoup the loss­es from the tim­ing com­pa­ny. If you did not have an agree­ment with the tim­ing com­pa­ny, shame on you for mak­ing promis­es that you could not expect to keep.

In short, while I appre­ci­ate the offer of cred­it toward future pur­chas­es, all I real­ly want is a refund. Your com­pa­ny did not ful­fill my order, and that’s the bot­tom line here, isn’t it? 

Fur­ther­more, holy cow! As much as I kick myself for falling behind the curve regard­ing my pro­gram­ming skil­lz, I’m con­fi­dent that I could build every ser­vice they offer by myself in one month. (OK, I might have to work week­ends to pull it off) If there weren’t a zil­lion oth­er ath­let­ic cal­en­dar and ser­vice web­sites out there, I’d have half a mind to quit my job and put them out of business.

Dead On—Simon Stinger

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