Stars fell down around me last night
Lovely meteor shower last night. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them so dramatic. Feeling very fortunate to have broken out of my depression long enough to get out of the house and go on a little field trip.
Something interesting happened last night. I enjoyed the company of a lovely young woman. I don’t want to make too much of this, because there’s not that much to tell, but sometimes I come to a hallway in my life where I don’t neccesarily follow the hall, but it’s amazing to see that there are parts of the house I’d kept locked and forgotten. On the way back home after being out in the night air, we shared a blanket in the backseat of the car. It was the first time that I’ve touched a woman in over a year, I’m sure. I mean, I may have shaken hands a time or two, but that’s about it.
Briefly my hand touched her hair when she moved her head. I had forgotten about the entire world of a woman’s hair. Vikki kept her hair quite short so it may have been longer since I’ve touched a woman’s hair or run my fingers through.
It’s amazing to me! Most of my perceptions are like a blunt instrument, where I recall details only in broad strokes. There was a car I walked past on the way to the BART station, things like that. But this one moment, probably no more than five or ten seconds, are magnified in my mind with vivid recollection of texture and detail. Delicious!
As I wrote, it’s wonderful to see that just because that wing has been locked up doesn’t mean that the demolition team has come to tear it down.
I’d like to see this young woman again, but that’s almost not the point. I’m just thrilled to have tasted a bit of life again. And of course terrified because I don’t really know where the hallways lead anymore.