World’s Best Taco Bell

I went rid­ing South yes­ter­day, just a short jaunt, but I went past Paci­fi­ca and through Dev­il’s Slide. I knew I had to get back to meet a friend with whom I had lunch plans, but I real­ly knew I had to get back when it start­ed to look like rain. I did get rained on, just a lit­tle, but made it back to SF and indoors in time to watch the rain real­ly come down for about 15 min­utes of down­pour I’m glad I was­n’t out in.

On my way back through Paci­fi­ca, I stopped to take pic­tures of the bizarre Taco Bell I men­tioned a cou­ple weeks ago, and took my first pic­ture of my motor­cy­cle. This proved to me that I real­ly need a new cam­era. The PalmPix is a neat gad­get, but it takes a lot of effort and the qual­i­ty is not that great. These pic­tures are so bad in part because I for­got to set the focus before shoot­ing. If I get some kind of mini­cam that uses SD cards, I’ll still be able to email them out from the Palm. Prob­a­bly more eas­i­ly, since the third-par­ty soft­ware I use to take the pic­tures does a ter­ri­ble job of export­ing images. This means I usu­al­ly have to resort to using Vir­tu­alPC on my Mac to trans­fer the pic­tures via Win­dows emu­la­tion. This is slow, and, as you can see, some­times not all that reward­ing. So now I’m shop­ping for a dig­i­tal snap­shot cam­era to car­ry around with me.

taco bell
Bizarre Taco Bell build­ing in Pacifica
Vira­go at Rock­away Beach

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