Back to the hood?

On the top­ic of God doing for me what I can­not do for myself, it looks as though the house­hold will be going its sep­a­rate ways when the lease expires in July. Yeah, it’s been fun, sort of. Well, not real­ly. It was great hang­ing out down at Mud­dy’s at Church and Mar­ket, and hmmm… I have a motor­cy­cle which I usu­al­ly ride down to Mud­dy’s any­way. I could keep doing that no mat­ter where I live. I come back here pret­ty much just to sleep and do laundry.

So basi­cal­ly I have no attach­ment to this place. As fab­u­lous as it is, who cares? I don’t like tip­toe­ing around house­mates, that’s for damn sure.

So what’s next? I’m talk­ing to a mort­gage bro­ker about buy­ing a house. That would be total­ly insane, but, well, total­ly sane. We’ll see if I can get into an equi­ty-gen­er­at­ing sit­u­a­tion. That would rock. So who cares if I have even less mon­ey liq­uid than I do now? And it could be the sort of place that needs work, too. If plumb­ing and wiring become my new hob­bies, well, that’s OK. And who cares what neigh­bor­hood it would be in if i can just head out on the bike?

If that does­n’t work out, I get to make some choic­es. I could stay at a sim­i­lar lev­el of cash out­lay that I’m spend­ing now and live in a nice 2BR in a good neigh­bor­hood. That sounds pret­ty good.

or — here’s where I scare my friends and fam­i­ly — I could go back to my old place. Yes, I got beat up there, sure. But I have a motor­cy­cle now. So I could dri­ve right in to the garage instead of being out on the streets after mid­night. I talked to my old land­la­dy tonight just to feel out the option. The old apart­ment has been total­ly refur­bished and now has new floors that resem­ble hard­wood. That actu­al­ly sounds pret­ty good to me, but she said that she’d let me back in at the rate I was pay­ing when I moved out. That means my month­ly expens­es would go down by over one thou­sand dollars.

One thou­sand dol­lars. Every month.

What could I do with a thou­sand dol­lars? Let me see… save it, pay off debts, trav­el more, buy that new big­ger motor­cy­cle I already want. It’s far from a per­fect option, mov­ing back to the Excel­sior, but it’s not with­out it’s benefits.

Oh well, no deci­sions yet. I have time to explore my options. It’s nice to have options.

Madame X — Simon Stinger

5 Replies to “Back to the hood?”

  1. con­sid­er­ing that prices are
    con­sid­er­ing that prices are sec­ond only to Boston (who are the high­est in the nation) buy­ing prop­er­ty at this time is stupid.

  2. That’s excit­ing,
    That’s excit­ing, Splicer!

    Now you can get every­thing you ever want­ed in an apart­ment. (Assum­ing you can fig­ure out what that is!) At least you have a whole year’s worth of dis­sat­is­fac­tions to draw on.

    Case for the old place: beat your fears. You know exact­ly what you’re get­ting into. You liked your apart­ment manager.

    Case for new place: You could still save oodles of mon­ey in oth­er apart­ments. Clos­er to work = less time com­mut­ing, more time for Splicer. And you could pick a bet­ter neighborhood. 

    The hot sin­gle chick dis­trict, say…

  3. You prob­a­bly aren’t
    You prob­a­bly aren’t con­sid­er­ing it. But I think you should _consider_ the East Bay — near East Bay like El Cerrito/Alameda/Oakland. Hous­es aren’t as expen­sive to buy, apart­ments aren’t as expen­sive to rent. There are also lots of signs up around here.

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