Day one, basic maintenance class

Tonight was my first ses­sion of the Basic Motor­cy­cle Main­te­nance Class at Sub­ter­ranean Cycles. What a blast! Yes, I sort of under­stood the the­o­ry behind an inter­nal com­bus­tion engine, but I nev­er had any idea how the parts go togeth­er or work. I still have only an inkling, but I’ve seen behind the cur­tain and have been shown the basics of what goes on inside. No longer will I have to stare blankly when peo­ple make ref­er­ence to com­mon con­cepts such as “four-stroke engine”. Yeah, that’s how far behind the curve I am, but now I know at least suck, squeeze, bang, blow and what that means.

As part of my tuition, I received a copy of Haynes’ Motor­cy­cle Basics Tech­book which seems to explain the mechan­i­cals thor­ough­ly enough that each part is clear.

The class was pret­ty small and I got to ask a lot of ques­tions. I can’t imag­ine a bet­ter way to spend Wednesdays.

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