I’ve wanted to do this for quite some time

The first stop was at the ATM. I cleared out the account, I’m afraid. $0.65 left for me to spend reck­less­ly, plus the eighty in cash that’s not in the account any more. Well, I get paid on Mon­day or Tues­day, so I’ll be fine. It just seems like liv­ing on the edge.

The sec­ond stop was to fuel up. I love my gas card these days. Espe­cial­ly with a two-and-a-half gal­lon tank I hate hav­ing to hand over six bucks and then walk back to the win­dow for change. Pay­ing at the pump makes it go so much faster.

On my way to the free­way I was passed by a woman on a scoot­er look­ing mighty hot in leather pants. As I caught up to her I rec­og­nized her by an orna­ment on her scoot­er. I called out and she said hel­lo and asked if I were going to some par­ty or show or some­thing. I only con­sid­ered fol­low­ing her for a moment. The light changed and I went my way and she went hers.

After work this evening I put in some elbow grease clean­ing my chain. It took a bunch of scrub­bing but the bike feels so good now. The work paid off as I head­ed up onto the free­way. I crossed the Bay Bridge and went over through the Calde­cott tun­nel, and got off at Orinda.

The Orin­da The­ater has a beau­ti­ful mar­quee that’s vis­i­ble from Route 24 or from the Orin­da BART sta­tion. I’ve been intrigued to check out the the­ater since I first saw the mar­quee. I stopped by once before and checked out the lit­tle strip that is down­town Orin­da. Cute town that is basi­cal­ly the the­ater, a gas sta­tion, a Star­bucks and BART. I’m sure there’s more to Orin­da than that, but that’s what I’ve seen.

I’ve been plan­ning this lit­tle adven­ture out as a date for some time, but nev­er put the plan into action. Final­ly I’m get­ting sick of sav­ing the good stuff for some­one else. Who knows if explor­ing sub­ur­ban movie the­aters would appeal to a date? Maybe it would and maybe it would­n’t, but I know it appeals to me. It’s past time I stopped wait­ing for my life to begin. There real­ly is no one to impress. I just get to live.

2 Replies to “I’ve wanted to do this for quite some time”

  1. Isn’t it though?

    Isn’t it though?

    This motor­cy­cle is help­ing change my life. I’m plan­ning on mov­ing back to my old place with the cheap rent now that I’m mobile enough that the places I like to hang out would be 10 min­utes away instead of an hour away. My old land­la­dy said I could have the place at my old rent, which means a hell of a lot more mon­ey for motor­cy­cles and sushi.

    I haven’t been to LuLu since I moved to the new place, and let me tell you, I’m not hap­py about that.

    Mov­ing into the old hood is not opti­mal, but also not per­ma­nent. I think I want to buy a place, and that means hav­ing 3% of total cost liq­uid even with­out a down pay­ment. A year at $600/month for rent and I could have that.

    Or I could do some­thing “in-between.” But I’m out of Roo­sevelt Way as of the begin­ning of July, so there it is. I don’t have to make any com­mit­ment about where the next place is yet, but I’m think­ing cheap rent plus garage is attrac­tive even if the neigh­bor­hood isn’t.

    Plus my old place has been remod­eled with hard­wood floors. I’m sure it’s fake hard­wood, but it’s worth con­sid­er­ing. That place had a lot of sun­light. Sun­light on fake hard­wood is very pretty.

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