I need a girlfriend to get my mind off of motorcycles

This evening I filled out a cred­it appli­ca­tion for 2.9% financ­ing on a Black 2005 Moto Guzzi Cal­i­for­nia Stone. If I can get the low rate with only two or three thou­sand down, I’m like­ly to enter into the soci­ety of Guzzi owners.

I’ve only had my eye on the Stone for about a month, but that’s what I keep on com­ing back to. The trans­verse V‑twin has its hooks in me.

What’s weird is that, even though I’ve worked out the spend­ing plans and know that I’ll be OK finan­cial­ly even in the worst-case sce­nario (get­ting fired the day after tak­ing deliv­ery) (OK, maybe the worst-case sce­nario involves war or earth­quakes or get­ting hit by a bus or some­thing, but I’m not going to both­er draw­ing up a bud­get for liv­ing in the post-apoc­a­lyp­tic world) I still have a haunt­ing guilt at even con­sid­er­ing the extrav­a­gance. What’s weird­er to me is that buy­ing a $10K motor­cy­cle seems more extrav­a­gant than buy­ing a $30K automobile.

Well, we’ll see. If I don’t get the rate, the oth­er imme­di­ate options are not so attrac­tive, but there are myr­i­ad pos­si­bil­i­ties to make it hap­pen over the next cou­ple months.

You know the next fun­ny thing? I don’t know why the hell I have so much self-doubt. I don’t have any regrets for any of the deci­sions I’ve made in the past, even the ones that were fatal­ly stu­pid and that I knew I did­n’t want to do as I did them. Why do I get tripped up over actu­al­ly pur­su­ing some­thing I want?

I’m con­sid­er­ing com­ing East to do a marathon in the Autumn. I’m not mak­ing the trip on a 250cc motor­cy­cle. That’s all I’m say­ing about that right now.

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