This bike is vibrating my nuts off!
On the way home tonight, as I was almost there, I tapped the shifter and found it wasn’t there. I looked down to find my heel-toe shifter and its linkage dangling. I was just a couple blocks from home, so I kept it in second until I got in front of the garage, and got down to examine the damage.
One nut that held the linkage was just missing. I could put the bolt back through and shift again, but it was still hanging loose and couldn’t go more than a couple of taps before falling out again. I looked in my toolkit for a wrench that fit nuts similar to the one I was missing, but didn’t have anything that small.
So it became my mission: find a hardware store before they all close. I put the Moto Guzzi into first and didn’t take it out of first until I arrived at Cole Hardware.
I explained to the first person I found that I needed a nut, but that I didn’t know what size, and he walked out to look with me. I told him it would be metric, and he said, “wait here, I’ll bring the box out and we’ll try ’em”
Turned out to be a 6mm, and they lent me a set of channel locks, which I didn’t let them see that I didn’t use (I have a small crescent wrench in my kit). Thirty cents for the nut and a lockwasher and a few thank-yous later I was on the road again.
I didn’t get the nut tightened as much as I’d like but it will hold for now. Hopefully
You’re lucky. My old BSA 440
You’re lucky. My old BSA 440 single would LITERALLY do that if you rode it more than a short while.
wow…sorry, i’m still stuck
wow…sorry, i’m still stuck on the ‘vibrating my nuts off’ part..ha
I’m very glad that you find
I’m very glad that you find my nuts amusing.
Now, just stay back with that wrench, OK? You could hurt someone with that thing. =^)