This country is weird

Thank God for small towns in Amer­i­ca where motor­cy­clists can shut up pro­test­ers who are try­ing to dis­rupt a sol­dier’s funer­al because they think that sol­diers are dying because God hates fags.

You got­ta get a score­card to keep track of this stuff, but any­one who heck­les the fam­i­ly of a dead sol­dier deserves to be drowned out by vet­er­ans’ Harleys.

If you think that Amer­i­cans are dying in Iraq because God is pun­ish­ing Amer­i­ca for being lenient with homo­sex­u­als, then I’m sor­ry, we’ve gone beyond evo­lu­tion and into inbreeding.

10 Replies to “This country is weird”

  1. I’m pret­ty sure by this
    I’m pret­ty sure by this point that Fred Phelps is not just extrem­ist, he’s off his rock­er. His bel­fry is over­pop­u­lat­ed with bats. Oth­er tel­e­van­ge­list types whip up con­stant homo­pho­bic hate because it’s the most social­ly accept­able out­let they’ve cur­rent­ly got for hate, and such hate is use­ful as a tool for con­ser­v­a­tive social con­trol. Not Phelps. Moves like this can’t use­ful­ly serve any such social agen­da. They sound to me more like tin­foil-hat schiz­o­phre­nia than like par­ti­san con­for­mi­ty enforcement.

  2. I imag­ine it must have tak­en
    I imag­ine it must have tak­en con­sid­er­able restraint to *only* drown them out with loud pipes.

    If they’d have still been there when the sol­dier’s par­ents arrived.…

  3. Well, some peo­ple are just
    Well, some peo­ple are just born to follow.

    On that note, the oth­er day I turned on a col­lege radio sta­tion and I heard some guy lec­tur­ing about the dif­fi­cul­ties of rais­ing strong-willed chil­dren. He said kids are divid­ed by tem­pera­ment into com­pli­ant kids and non-com­pli­ant ones — “strong-willed” was the term he used for the lat­ter group. He did­n’t seem at all judge­men­tal about one group being bet­ter than the oth­er, but he did say that accord­ing to some author­i­ty, com­pli­ant kids who do what they’re told tend to have much bet­ter self-esteem, while rebel­lious and inde­pen­dent kids are far more vul­ner­a­ble to self-hate. I found that a very inter­est­ing fac­toid. And what he was say­ing around it gen­er­al­ly sound­ed rea­son­able and wise — he was telling them not to pan­ic or over­re­act, just trust that if they stick with ordi­nary sound par­ent­ing it will work out fine.

    Then I heard who it was: James Dob­son of Focus On The Fam­i­ly. The guy who recent­ly got embroiled in a flap over hav­ing inside scoopage about Har­ri­et Miers. The same guy who decried Sponge­Bob for pro­mot­ing a gay agen­da. The same guy who com­pared stem cell research to Nazi exper­i­ments. And said gay mar­riage would lead direct­ly to men mar­ry­ing don­keys and their own pre­teen daugh­ters. But in this case he real­ly was focus­ing on the fam­i­ly, instead of on a par­ti­san agenda.

    So the thing is, these guys can sound agree­able and rea­son­able, and gain the atten­tion of fol­low­ers there­by. If they’re suf­fi­cient­ly fol­low­er­ish, they can then grad­u­al­ly ramp up the extrem­i­ty of their lead­er­ship and they’ll come along with it. They’ll fol­low grad­ual incre­ments to a place they would have reject­ed if dumped on them all at once.

  4. “OK but where does he get
    “OK but where does he get his followers?”

    His fam­i­ly. 95% of all of his “con­gre­ga­tion” is made up of very close reletives.

    A friend of mine who lives a few blocks from his “church” reports of rumors of near in-bread­ing, so that oth­ers will keel lock-step with his beliefs.

  5. They did­n’t try to drown
    They did­n’t try to drown them out, just keep them a far away dis­tance from the mourn­ers as to not dis­rupt the services.

    It was dis­cussed many months before­hand, as oth­ers have had Phelps attempt this before- espe­cial­ly with the var­i­ous and well-net­worked vets. I’m glad to report that through much dis­cus­sion and debates, it was decid­ed that no vio­lence or counter-dis­rup­tions would only serve phelps’ ends. So basi­cal­ly, pro­tect­ing the mourn­ers inthe most respect­ful man­ner was decid­ed upon.

  6. Look­ing for­ward to see­ing
    Look­ing for­ward to see­ing you this Sat, BTW. I’ll be there at or close to the list­ed start-time. after that, any­one’s guess.

    If you makw it, there’s some good tav­erns in the area. My treat. If you can’t make it, I’ll be cov­er­ing the B.A.D. run. Try to be on that one. It’s a damn good cause.

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