Be vewwy vewwwy quiet.…
… I’m hunting jobs.
Which are of course, more elusive than wascawwy wabbits.
I figure if I can’t bring myself to do the kind of work I have on my plate, that I’d better take some action to get some other kind of work. This brings up a lot of fear of rejection and all that of course. What if I find a company I’d really like to work for and THEY don’t like ME? A load of horsepucky of course, but those feelings keep coming up.
I have a friend at a large computer company here in Northern California who says that I would be great at his company, and I sent him email to pursue that as an option. It would mean a heck of a commute, but I’m willing to give it a try. It’s nice to pursue a lead where I have an «in.» Not to say that I even think there’s a chance I could work there, but it’s nice to have a little bit of an advantage.
I also signed up with a placement agency, and we’ll see what they think of my work. I’m certainly not as good at representing myself as I’d like to be. Ideally, that would be the job of the agency, right? But first I have to convince the agency.
Last, I sent my resume to a printing company in Northeastern Vermont. Now that would be totally weird, moving back East, but I want to explore this option. It’s a very well-regarded printer. They do high-end work where my attention to detail would be appreciated. There are a lot of advantages to living in Vermont. It’s really where I see myself living «when I grow up» whenever that is. I kind of thought I’d find myself a wifey and settle down first, and THEN move back to the country.
Oh well. I have to just keep my eyes and my mind open, and make decisions when they come to me instead of freaking out about them now. That is, as always, easier said than done.