Photos from today
I took the D50 out today to run it through some paces. I’m enjoying shooting with it quite a bit. Today I went and shot tourist photos, basically. I went to Ocean Beach and took pictures at a couple of points along the way, then went up above the Cliff House for the sunset.
While I was shooting, I was fascinated by the waves. They were pretty big today. But when I got those pictures home and looked at them, I couldn’t help but think that all these pictures of waves were pretty boring. I even risked admonition by a ranger by crossing into a fenced-in “dangerous area” so that I could get lower and closer to the rocks and the spray. That didn’t really help, but it was fun getting the shots.
It’s not surprising at all how possible it is to get washed out areas and dark silhouettes in the same photo when you’re facing the Sun.
Let’s see, what else? Oh yes, When I was considering the D200 instead of the D50, I thought that 5 shot per second burst mode would be a big selling point over a 2.5 shot per second burst mode. Well, I can’t get over how fast two and a half shots per second is. Every digital camera I’ve ever used before has not only taken a few seconds to cycle and be ready to shoot again, but also there’s usually a half to a full second between the pushing of the button to the actual shot. With the dSLR, it’s just click and that’s when the shot gets taken. 2.5 shots per second meant that I could see the progression of a crashing wave in stop-motion. That’s just really really cool. Oh, and with the memory card I used today I can take 13 pictures in burst mode before the buffer fills. My new Ultra II SD card arrived today and a quick test shows that I can shoot continuously for 30 shots before the buffer fills. And then it slows down to one shot every second. I was skeptical about paying the extra bucks for the ‘Ultra II’ card, but now I’m glad I did.
Gah, the amount of blowout
Gah, the amount of blowout in the pic with the Guzzi is still disappointingly broad. Am I right in thinking that the actual diameter of the sun is quite a bit smaller than the blotch in the sky, or is that a real long telephoto?
And… green blobs? How’d they end up green?
Dr. Strangelove and I had a
Dr. Strangelove and I had a great time shooting out at the baths one late afternoon in 2003 — he was packing a medium format camera at the time, I was shooting with a $20 Canonet rangefinder.
Wow, nice pictures. I just
Wow, nice pictures. I just purchased a D50 a couple of weeks ago and I’m really enjoying it. Oh, and on the one image with the lens flare, I took the liberty of downloading it and correcting it. E‑mail me and I’ll be happy to send it to you.