Gun Control

Hav­ing a dis­cus­sion (more like hear­ing a lec­ture) about gun con­trol with a cowork­er recent­ly. He was going on about the restric­tion on the Bar­rett .50-cal­iber sniper rifle, and how it is unwieldy and expen­sive and not the sort of weapon that can be used to hold up a store or a bank. He made a very com­pelling case that the rifle was of no inter­est to criminals.

I said to him, “well what do you expect? These are politi­cians pass­ing the laws.” I think he expect­ed me to make some point about politi­cians being idiots but he was­n’t quite sure what I was talk­ing about, so he said, “Yeah, and…?”

“Well, what’s the ONE crime you could use a high­ly-accu­rate insane­ly- pow­er­ful long-range sniper rifle for?”

He cracked up and admit­ted that the Bar­rett ban would nev­er come off the books.

4 Replies to “Gun Control”

  1. He cracked up and admit­ted
    He cracked up and admit­ted that the Bar­rett ban would nev­er come off the books.

    He’s prob­a­bly right, but I can main­tain hope 🙂
    Bar­ret actu­al­ly is mak­ing a “cal­i­for­nia spe­cial” rifle that is sup­posed to have sim­i­lar char­ac­ter­is­tics to the 50BMG, except its a 416caliber.
    Its yet anoth­er “gun bans are dumb” guns.

    As far as assassinations/etc, I would prob­a­bly stick with a .338 lapuaa or a Rem­ing­ton 700 warmed over with some good­ies. The Rem­ing­ton uses con­ven­tion­al­ly avail­able ammo so its tech­ni­cal­ly a bet­ter choice.

    There’s one oth­er thing, the 50BMG is gen­er­al­ly not used­for snip­ing (oth­er than com­pe­ti­tion shoot­ing), its meant for anti-vehic­u­lar usage. Under the gene­va con­ven­tion you’re not allowed to shoot peo­ple with it 🙂

  2. Point tak­en, but if I were a
    Point tak­en, but if I were a politi­cian afraid of assas­si­na­tion I doubt I’d feel any com­fort in the thought that my killer might observe the Gene­va conventions.

  3. heh, very true 🙂

    heh, very true 🙂
    Although, any 50BMG would not be an ide­al rifle for politi­cian assas­si­na­tion either due to its size. A 40 – 50LB weapon is not ide­al for trans­port while try­ing to be incognito.

  4. I’d fit in my car.…

    I’d fit in my car.…

    A bet­ter way to get rid of bad politi­cians would be a “nuclear event” while Con­gress is in ses­sion. As I recall, in the Bible God required there to be ten good men in Sodom if he were not to destroy it. Con­gress fails that test by a large margin.


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