What does picking colors have to do with my professional life?
I got a jobseeker newsletter that recommended the “color test” alongside other psychological profile tests like the Myers-Briggs and Keirsey Temperament Sorter. This one asked me to pick boxes of different colors and made judgments about my personality based on the order in which I chose the boxes.
Free personality analysis of Splicer.
Generated on Tue Jul 4 23:14:13 2006.
Splicer’s Existing Situation
- Working to create for himself a firm foundation on which to erect a secure, comfortable, and problem-free future, in which he will be granted respect and recognition.
Splicer’s Stress Sources
- Unfulfilled hopes have lead to uncertainty and a tense watchfulness. Insists on freedom of action and resents any form of control other than which is self-imposed. Unwilling to go without or to relinquish anything and demands security as a protection against any further setback or loss of position or prestige. Doubts that things will be any better in the future and this negative attitude leads him to exaggerate his claims and to refuse reasonable compromises.
Splicer’s Restrained Characteristics
- Has high emotional demands and is willing to involve himself in a close relationship, but not with any great depth of feeling.
Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which has left him listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet; becomes irritable if this is denied him.
Splicer’s Desired Objective
- Needs to feel identified with someone or something and wishes to win support by his charm and amiability. Sentimental and yearns for a romantic tenderness.
Splicer’s Actual Problem
- Seeks to avoid criticism and to prevent restriction of his freedom to act, and to decide for himself by the exercise of great personal charm in his dealings with others.
Splicer’s Actual Problem #2
ul>Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety, and he is distressed by the lack of any close and understanding relationship. He attempts to escape into a substitute world in which things are more nearly as he desires them to be.
Shannon took the free
“Keeps herself under strict control so as not to br…”
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